Friday, October 3, 2008

Video/Sports/TV: The Ultimate Fighter Season 8 Brawl

If you're not watching this season of The Ultimate Fighter, you're missing out. Like every other season, it's been quite entertaining.

Check out this scene from next week's episode as Junie, the bipolar, boozing lunatic, takes on pretty much everyone in the house. Good stuff.


Hump Day Sports said...

I didn't even know there was a season on currently!!! Oh well, I haven't been able to catch much TV post Ike anyways.

Hump Day Sports said...

Btw, Shamrock vs. Slice tomorrow night!? What the what? That's silly.

Ryan said...

Yeah, Spike did a really poor job of promoting this season. I didn't even know about until I accidentally ran across the premiere.

Shamrock is gonna get Kimbo on the ground and dominate.