Monday, November 12, 2007

Link: Perry Bible Fellowship

Don't be scared off by the name. This is actually a simple website chock full o' clever, edgy, 3- or 4-pane comic strips by Nicholas Gurewitch. (Read the Wikipedia entry here)

Great for smarter people with short attention spans.

(Also great for attention-hungry "bloggers" who like to mention how effin' smart they are!)

(...despite ending a sentence in a prepostion...OK, I'm done.)

1 comment:

Shane said...

I've been reading PBF for years. It is awesome. I just bought the book, which I had hoped would have new stuff, but it's like literally 4 pages of new stuff and all the old stuff he has online. That is all.

My personal favorites are Cave Explorer and Executive Decision. But don't let that stop you from reading all of them.