Monday, November 26, 2007

Video: I hate it when that happens

This is the ending from last week's Grey's Anatomy. I haven't seen any of this season, but I have them all DVRed. Rustin said I must share this and assured me it wouldn't ruin anything for me, so here you go.

Quite over the top, I must say. And you can see it coming from a mile away.


Unknown said...

that is the stupidest thing i've ever seen. yet another reason i don't watch that fucking gay show. but seth green is funny.

Anonymous said...

I don't really watch that show, so somebody please tell me that clip is just something seth green put together to be funny (which it is) and not a clip from the actual show.

I apologize if it is painfully obvious that it is not a clip from the actual grey's anatomy show. With today's TV, I just can't be sure anymore.

Ryan said...

No, Levi, I'm afraid this was really the cliffhanger ending.