Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Video: Jenna Bush calls "daddy" on Ellen

I got an e-mail from my mom with the subject "Suggestion"

You might not appreciate it as much as me but it’s cute...

I don’t know how to send you the link to the video, but check out Jenna on Ellen calling “daddy”
After several minutes of deciphering, I figured out that Jenna Bush called George W. on Ellen this morning, and my mom is suggesting I that I share it on Preash.

So here you go.


Mom (6:39:00 PM): your Jenna link doesn't show the entire video
Mom (6:39:08 PM): it is funnier as it goes.....I think
Mom (6:47:04 PM):

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Your mother must be the coolest.