Monday, December 10, 2007

Campaign '08: Ron Paul on 20/20

John "Still 'Stachin'" Stossel interviews Republican Texas Congressman/presidential candidate Ron Paul on controversial issues like drugs, prostitution, and gay marriage.

He seems to be big on giving more power to the states and less to the federal government. Everything he says in this interview sounds very good to me.

A lot of younger liberals have jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon, but I'm still skeptical.

I'm guessing that the rest of the Rep. candidates are loving him because, since there's no way he'd win the Republican nomination, he's just steering younger, open-minded people away from the Democratic party.

But what do I know? I just do what Oprah tells me to. (BTW, how about the size of Mrs. Obama's bottom half, huh? I mean, holy shit! She looks like a stick-side-up candied apple. She looks like Cinderella's evil stepsisters. It looks fake, it's so ridiculous! She puts the bad in badonkadonk. Also, Oprah so wants to be her role model, Maya Angelou, it's sickening.)

1 comment:

Shane said...

I think more people, especially self-proclaimed liberals, would be libertarian if the ideas were freely discussed in an open manner. You should convert to our side, Ryan. We're like liberals when it comes to 1st, 4th, 5th amendment rights, but we're like hillbillies when it comes to 2nd amendment rights! Guns and prostitutes for everyone!