Sunday, October 28, 2007

Complaint Box: Update on the loud kids upstairs

Several days ago, I complained about the loud little kids in the 1-bedroom apartment above me who run around all day and all night.

Well, I had to snitch. I called apartment management and filed a complaint. Their running from one end of the apartment to the other was rattling my windows and shaking my ceiling. It got quiet for a while, and it hasn't been as bad overall. But they still go buck wild sometimes. It's then when I stand on a dining room chair and throw hammer fists against the ceiling. They usually get the point.

"Mom won't let us play outside because she hates us."

So I'm hoping that they've gotten the point for the most part. The best part is now, on the rare occasion that the kids are playing outside, they get scared when they see me. They saw me as I was leaving the apartment yesterday and immediately ran upstairs. Me mad-dogging them probably had something to do with it, too.


Hump Day Sports said...

/Mad-doggin n*ggas cuz I don't care
/Red jump suit with two braids in my hair

Hump Day Sports said...

I was conflicted on how to write "niggas" after the "effing" "f'ing" debacle.

Morgan Ash said...

ok, so you know this will affect your apartment karma. for god sakes, their cramped in a one room apartment. maybe you should play with them instead of scaring them. also, i have a bf.

Ryan said...

What would you have done in my position, Morgan? I had already cranked up the stereo whenever they got loud, as well as bang on the ceiling. There was nothing else to do! As I've learned myself, sometimes only a strict note from management can get the point across.

Also, why should I have to suffer because this dumb mom doesn't consider how her downstairs neighbor may be affected by cramming a family into a 1 bedroom apartment and never taking the kids outside. Her poor parenting shouldn't affect my life.

Morgan Ash said...

One more thing - is it the kids fault that their mom is poor and their dad left them??? Maybe you should act like their big brother and do something nice.

Anonymous said...

I just want to get drunk on some whiskey with you and beat on the ceiling!