Monday, March 8, 2010

Music Video: Kid Cudi feat. MGMT and Ratatat - "Pursuit of Happiness"

The original video for Kid Cudi's "Pursuit of Happiness" was nothing special. There seemed to be a pretty big disconnect between the spirit of the song and the video itself. Whoever's responsible would probably chalk it up to an attempt at irony. I don't know that I'm buying that.

This recently released alternate video does a lot better job of visually translating the theme of the song, in my opinion. You can tell a lot of time went into the planning, blocking and camera work. Amazing optical illusions reminiscent of techniques Gondry used for Lucas' "Lucas with the Lid Off" video. It almost comes off like an anti-drug PSA, except cooler. Plus we all know Cudi wouldn't promote abstaining from drugs.

(I'm sure you want to skip over this because you figure, "Really how artistic can a rap video be these days?" But trust me, gramps. Give it a gander.)

Update: Fixed.

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