Tuesday, March 30, 2010

By Popular Demand: Dog Attacks Police Car and Scarface School Play

As frequent Preashers may notice, a lot of what I post here depends upon my mood. If I'm feeling especially silly you may see a flurry of stupid, nonsensical, mindless pics, animated gifs, and videos. (I believe the 'nets call them WTheFs.) If I have a case of the grumpgrumps, I'm more likely to be critical of what I see and second-guess posting certain things. And if I'm busy, you get nothing.

I guess that's the down side to frequenting a blog that's run by one dude and one dude only. If you're entertained by even a fraction of what you see on Preash, you're likely to come back because you can be pretty sure that type of stuff is what you'll see next time. But there are times when something good may slip through the cracks due to something as simple as Ryan has diarrhea. (See what I did there?)

And when enough people email me, suggesting I put a certain video (that I've seen but haven't posted) on Preash, it tells me that I've let one get away.

So here's how we fix that: By Popular Demand. I don't expect it to be too common an ocurrence. But if I've passed on something the first time for whatever reason and a Preasher or Preashers convince me that I let diarrhea grumpgrumps get in the way, I'll post it By Popular Demand.

Fear not, though, skeptics. Most of the stuff I purposely leave off Preash - stuff that I am very much against; stuff that incites swabchills - will stay off. Blatant viral marketing - no. Unfunny, easy ripoffs sold as "parody" - no. And these - God no. Assholes. I am still the filter, after all.

So now that you've trudged through my Preash ideology, I present to you, by popular demand, dog attacks police car and Scarface school play.

This dog's name is Winston, btw.

Rec by S3x, mom, and Tres

Not actually a school play, duh.

Rec by The Goat

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