Saturday, February 2, 2008

Video: Preash presents "Check Your Coat (Remix)"

So I heard an awesome song on Sirius tonight.

O'Neal McKnight featuring Greg Nice - "Check Your Coat (Remix)"

This song's gonna blow up! Very reminiscent of Michael Jackson circa Off the Wall, but with a modern day R&B/dance feel. Greg Nice's verses take me right back to the late 80's, when rap was first blowin' up.

Brilliant song.

I just threw on a bunch of popular old-school internet clips without listening to the song. All the stuff that matches up (e.g. "hug from the bear") is completely accidental. And awesome.
That's what I put for the description on YouTube.

I desperately wanted to share this song with you preashers, but the remix was not yet on YouTube. So I decided to upload it myself.

And this video turned out to represent everything that Preash embodies (including annoying, shameless self-promotion).

I used Microsoft Movie Maker (for the first time ever) to make this. Purposefully cheesy, yet still inspiring. *immediately discovers the next Preash tag line*

Enjoy this awesome can't help but move.

***A Preash Original***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was happy to see Developers represented!......Developers Developers Developers Developers...YES!