Monday, April 5, 2010

List: The 10 Most Horrible Amusement Park Accidents

Amuse your inner-sadist with this list of The 10 Most Horrible Amusement Park Accidents.

Via Gorilla Mask


aburtch said...

Normally I'm cool with the stuff you post, but this is just grizzly, scary, and depressing.

The tone and feel of your blog is usually fun and upbeat and this feels like a real departure, almost "Faces of Death" like.

I know it's your blog and you can post what you want, so I'm not hatin' just hope you will avoid the "crazy ways to die" material in the future.

Ryan said...

Thanks for the input. I value your opinion because you're one of the few readers who has been man enough to put his name behind his comments (unlike the anonymous haters whom I've decided to weed out.)

I try to put a little something for everyone up here. If you think it will offend you, or you're just plain not interested, skip it. That's why I try to put up a bunch of stuff; so you can cherry pick based on your interests.

aburtch said...

That sounds good. Thanks for the reply Ryan!