Tuesday, October 27, 2009

List: Top 8 Programs That Can Make Your Computer Run Faster

Here's a helpful list of the Top 8 Programs That Can Make Your Computer Run Faster.

Via Digg

1 comment:

Shane said...

As a linux nerd, I look at your post with a certain bit of resigned sadness.

It's like if 90% of the world heated their homes by idling their cars in their garage, and then an entire market popped up to mitigate the problems of carbon monoxide poisoning.

I mean, sure, I'm sure these are great tools for fixing bloated registries and fragmented disk drives, but then again, registries and disk fragmentation are neither necessary nor even desireable in modern computing.

Unfortunately, I think there's a substantial negative correlation between "linux use" and "having a girlfriend" so I guess I can't be too smug about it.