Tuesday, December 1, 2009

List: 30 Secrets Your Waiter Will Never Tell You

As someone who waited tables at several restaurants in my day, I can tell you that 30 Secrets Your Waiter Will Never Tell You is pretty darn accurate. Also, every other customer is a condescending asshole.

Via Digg


Jon Davies said...

I have many thoughts on the matter (as I work in the restaurant industry), but think it wise to direct you to my favorite video blog right now - a waiter on YouTube who says what so many of us in the industry think and feel.


He teaches people how to be better customers, and what to look out for when they are dining. He's funny, nice, angry, cute, bitter, and charming!

I've seen his channel grow in a matter of months from 20 subscribers to over 800... but I would like to see it grow even more. He deserves it, I think!

Shane said...

Ha - I just pulled the reverse #2 on the list the other day. Bartender asked me if I worked in service for a service industry discount, and I pulled the "Iraq veteran home for first Thanksgiving in 4 years" card and got like half off my tab. I tipped pretty awesome as a result, so everyone wins except the owner.