Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Workplace: "Too soon?"

Note to self (and you devoted Preashers): When a co-worker is writing a topical about the Virginia Tech massacre and asks for a synonym for "tragedy," jokingly suggesting "blooper" and "faux pas" doesn't go over well. Man, I'm an a-hole.

I get this reaction too often


D2 said...

At least you didn't suggest the use of Benny Hill's theme song. That would be the opposite of classy.

Ryan said...


Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster here.

Suggestion for the blog: don't include so many "I guess you had to be there" stories.

Ryan said...

Yeah, good point, Anonymous.

That reminds me of the time my buddy Kendle and I went to the rodeo after a long afternoon at Bosco's Brewery. His ex, Leah, came up behind us and reminded him about the election of '96.

10 minutes later, it ended up with the bartender yelling, "'ON' HIS DONKEY?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID 'IN' HIS DONKEY!!!"