Thursday, June 4, 2009

Video: Janice Dickinson, All F*cked Up, Falls Down Stairs and Screams at Models

If you don't watch The Soup and Best Week Ever religiously, you're missing out. (BTW, they retooled Best Week Ever and it's a lot funnier now. The hilarious Paul F. Tomkins is the host.) And you probably haven't seen this.

Perpetual lunatic Janice Dickinson on Finland's Next Top Model.

After mixing booze with pills, she goes bitchcakes on all the models, falls down the stairs, and continues her angry rant on the models who she considers stupid because they don't speak English. Cheers.

Language NSFW

Obviously, she desperately wants to eat and sh*t modeling. Don't we all, sister. DO SOMETHING, YOU STUPID MODELS!

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