Friday, June 26, 2009

YumYums: Hardee's Gets in on the Sexual Innuendo Fast Food Advertising Craze

Yesterday afternoon I was in an edit bay editing together some topicals when two sales guys came in to check out a tape on a Beta SX deck. They told me they just got some new commercials in and wanted to see if they were too offensive for air.

"Let's see what Ryan thinks," said Bert. "Tell us if you find this offensive." I told the fellows that it takes a lot to offend me. Roll tape.

Goody balls. Creamy Sweet Holes. Hole Munchers. Yay Holes. Blowjobbers. Nut Ball Asses. Penis Testicles.

Move over, Burger King. You're not the only fast food chain that hopes to boost sales with thinly veiled dick jokes.

The second version of the commercial had the announcer dude at a table with two plates. One had some donut holes on it. The other had the Biscuit Holes. The donut holes where labeled "A" and the Biscuit Holes "B". Which do people like more more? A Holes or B Holes? Let your imagination fill in the rest. Or just wait for it to air.