Monday, January 7, 2008

Booze: The Purple Monster

I'd never heard of this one before. Supposedly, it's what Britney used to wash down over 100 pills before she went loco for the first time in '08.

A Purple Monster is Vodka, NyQuil, and Red Bull. WTF!? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just stab yourself in the heart?

Grimace and the Purple People Eater have already held a joint press conference to make it clear that they don't condone the consumption of this beverage and, furthermore, think the government should step in before it becomes a dangerous fad.

"Remember when she used to be hot!?"


Shane said...

Here comes your Army friend to explain to you that it's more common than you might think. My last duty station, the on-base stores kept records of who was buying how much cough syrup, and basically if someone bought way more than was expected for them (looking at such factors as size of household, etc.), then they would investigate further. Yeah, it got to be that big of a problem.

At first I thought it was pseudoephedrine being used for meth production (I got another story about a meth lab being discovered and shut down in the barracks where I was a few years ago), but apparently it was just regular cough syrup that people were abusing. Ridiculous.

Ryan said...

Well I'll be damned in the ass.