Monday, January 21, 2008

Movies: Cloverfield sequel?

There's already talks of a Cloverfield sequel.

Anyone see Cloverfield this weekend? What'd you think?

Link via Pop Candy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't read this if you haven't seen it.
Here's my take on Cloverfield...I thought it was pretty tight. The first thing I said to my buddy when the movie was over was, "Wow. That was fucking intense." He said to me, "No shit." The special effects were pretty fucking awesome, and I think they showed the perfect amount of monster shots so that one, the monster doesn't start to look stupid or get old, and two you're left wanting to see more. Also the movie nicely teases you with limited monster sightings until later in the movie. The acting's average, but I still managed to feel the entire time like I was watching a real disaster. And comparisons to Sep 11 are obvious.
I think if you've ever seen a movie before, or can understand plot structure, you had to know from the begging the way that this movie is going to end. It was obvious from the presentation of the footage that is the movie that this camera was "found" somewhere. It's pretty obvious throughout the movie that at least some of these people are going to die, it's just a question of if it will be all of them. And I've gotta say (spoiler) I'm glad the guy and the girl die (appropriately) in a clover field somewhere in Manhattan. It would have been lame to end the movie with the two of them kissing against a sunrise backdrop somewhere in the comparative safety of Queens. I guess the hot black chick lived, but we're left wondering, which is probably more interesting.
A lot of people walking out of the movie were complaining about the abruptness of the ending. You had to have seen it coming that it would end that way. Usually people making home videos on their 300 dollar toshiba handhelds don't take the time at the end of documenting the destruction of the center of Western Civilization to wrap up all the plotlines. Any explanation or revelation as to the origin and fate of the monster would have sucked balls compared to the limitless possibilities you can dream up on your own. The people who walked out of that movie saying, "That sucked, they don't even tell you where it came from or what it was," are what's wrong with America.
All in all, I was very entertained and wound up being pretty amped up at the end of this movie.
I think the fact that I intentionally didn't get too excited for it helped my enjoyment a lot. I tried to think about how it would suck because of the shaky camera (which is rough in spots), or about how the monster would be lame. So the movie far exceeded my expectations. I vowed never to get too hyped up over a movie again, after I suffered heartbreak at 300, since I was convinced that was going to be the coolest movie of all time.