Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Workplace: Money Marc Says Peace Out

Today is Money Marc's last day at the station. He and his wife are moving to D.C.

We have agreed that he will be my unofficial liaison for the D.C. bureau of Preash. Seeing as he'll be without a job and loving it for a short time, he says he will have time to take pictures and send in various anecdotes.

He insisted on a dedication post on Preash and I happily obliged.

If you will please click here for some very appropriate background music and peruse these pictures from our goodbye lunch. Just take it all in.

Work Dave, Money Marc and Mike-and-Ike fighting back tears

Bawling on the inside (Dilworth Grill Burger Wrap)

OMFG! Funniest sign EVER!

Work Dave let me borrow his cancer stick to vogue with

Good working with you, Money. I look forward to your out-of-work reports soon.

Money Marc Feeling Gangsta

1 comment:

Marc said...

Yeah, the DC Preash bureau has been a little slow getting started due to the lack of funding from the home office.