Thursday, March 19, 2009

Preash Original: Ryan Cracks Ryan Up

This morning I sent an e-mail to our department that read, "Please welcome our new Art Intern. His name is Kevin Lin. Please don't be intimidated by his intensity. He really is a nice guy." with a link to this video.

While perusing related videos, Stevie 3-Times came across a bunch of videos featuring time freeze and time remapping in Adobe After Effects. This inspired him to try to make a time freeze video of his own. We shot some junk and Mike-and-Ike and Tressel helped us edit it.

Behold the greatest thing you'll see this week. It's perfect. It's seamless. It's flawless.

***A Preash Original***

Preash to Stevie-3 Times, Mike-and-Ike and Tressel


Anonymous said...

WOW! Superb!

Anonymous said...

great work, i am also interested in AE and have completed a few sample templates and tutorials to help the new

after effects templates

Unknown said...

its really great to use the advancement of software to help improve your life styles and business


selling templates