Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Video: The Trouble with Twitter

I was recently asked why I don't Twitter. I immediately snapped back, "You mean why I don't tweet, you dumb b*tch!" Then I said, "This video perfectly sums it up..."

I ask of those of you who use it: Has it every helped you? Would it be disadvantageous to you if you didn't have it (besides being a little more bored)?

I get annoyed enough seeing people's status updates on Facebook.

"Finally done with work. >:O"
"Gettin' ready to go out! Hit me up."
"Beef lo mein for dinner. I love my BF!"
"Just got my hurr did. LOL."

I'm always tempted to reply, simply, "I don't care."

Tressel said it best. "It facilitates the perpetuation of society's self-absorbtion."

Now your arguement may be, "You hypocritcal a-hole. You have a blog. A BLOG...ABOUT YOU!" To which I would point out that I rarely write about myself or my personal life. And if I do, it's a humorous personal anecdote. A quick story. Not, "Gotta finish this milk before it goes bad."

I don't care that you're putting off doing your taxes. And I don't want you to know that I'm doing unsavory things to myself at 2:30 in the afternoon on a Saturday. So I don't tweet Twitter.

WTF!?: The Georgia O'Keefe of Prom Dresses

This dress features an "asymmetrical hemline" and a large pink satin sweetheart detail.

Video/Movies: 100 Movies Lines in 200 Seconds

Video: Paris Hilton Loves Stuff

Ironically, she hates hyperbole.

The Internets: MiAdidas.com


Create your own, completely customizable Adidas shoes. Badass!

They're not too badly priced either. The most expensive ones, completely customized, are $140. S&H is $12.

They let you start withe several base models so you don't have to waste time learning how to actually engineer a shoe.

Here are ones that I made today...

Crack Rock, $120

Dazzle, $100

Big Preash to Tressel

List: 6 Friends You Kinda Hate

Check out this really funny CollegeHumor article about 6 Friends You Kinda Hate.

Video/TV: The Full 1-900-OK FACE Commercial

What's that? You don't watch 30 Rock. Oh, OK. Makes sense. Says a lot about you. Just stick to My Name is Early, buddy.

Video: 1/2 Price, the Legless Rapper

Swollen AND charred? What lady could pass up that offer?

Language NSFW

Friday, March 27, 2009

Video: Dog Milking a Goat

Enjoy this deleted scene from Citizen Kane.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Video: Google Maps Street View Across the Golden Gate Bridge

List: 50 Beautiful Long Exposure Shots

If you're a photography fan, you'll enjoy 50 Beautiful Long Exposure Shots

Link via Digg

Stuff: The Fall of GM - A Visual Guide

Now this I can understand. The Fall of GM - A Visual Guide

Link via Digg

Chicks/Sports: The Ass-ential Babes of the AVP Crocs Beach Volleyball Tour


"What's a spert? I can't wait to see. I'm intrigued. Sperts. Sounds fun."
-Stevie 3-Times

Now that we've got that out of the way, check out The Ass-ential Babes of the AVP Crocs Beach Volleyball Tour

List/TV: The 10 Funniest Freudian Slips in Television History

I love dudes lists! Check out The 10 Funniest Freudian Slips in Television History

How 'bout the talent on #7, huh? #1 is definitely the best ever.

Link via Gorilla Mask

List: 50 Animals Who Hate Baths

Here's an adorable way to begin your Friday. 50 Animals Who Hate Baths

Who knew you had to bathe a guinea pig?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Video/Sports: LeBron James' Incredible 60 Minutes Shot

60 Minutes is so f*ckin crunk!

Video: Interviewee Faints During Newscast

Video: Unbelievable Running of the Bulls Stampede

Video: Phatdippin'

Music: A Scienfic Look at the 50 Cent vs. Rick Ross Fued

What more appropriate way to encapsulate a high profile rap beef than through New York Times' charts and graphs! Check out this very scientific look at the 50 Cent vs. Rick Ross fued.

Link via BuzzFeed

The Internets: Facebook Caving to User Gripes

Because all you crybabies can't get used to change, Facebook is tweaking its homepage layout yet again.

Link via Digg

List/Sports: The 10 Girliest Sports Fights

Feel better about yourself by peeping The 10 Girliest Sports Fights

Link via Gorilla Mask

List: The 10 Greatest Old School WWF Promos of All Time

For a delightful blast from the past, check out The 10 Greatest Old School WWF Promos of All Time

Link via Gorilla Mask

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

List/Sports: The 10 Worst Cheap Shots in Sports History

What a great way to end the day! The 10 Worst Cheap Shots in Sports History

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video/Movies: Where the Wild Things Are Trailer!!!

Gave me goosebumps, yo.

(Watch it in much higher quality here.)

Video: Homeless Dude's Gibberish is Somehow Getting Me Crunk!

Droppin' knowledge on that ass.

Language NSFW

Video: Sensual Build a Bear

"And tomorrow morning, come along with Ruben as he visits this Twinkie factory with our own Richard Cox!"

Video: Phillip Seymour Hoffman Facebook-Threatens Tom Cruise

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Preash/Video: Work Dave's Fire Hack (aka Redneck Soccer)

The hacky sack was losing beads quick. So we decided to give it a proper farewell. You can take the boys outta the South, but you cain't take the South outta the boys.

Click to enlarge

Stevie 3-Times handles the flaming hack with a rake

Work Dave suffered a wicked blister after this stunt. Don't try this at home, children.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Music Video: Asher Roth - "Lark in My Go-Kart"

Great animated music video from Asher Roth! Asher must have had the exact same childhood I had, because all of these pop culture references hit so close to home.

Bonus points for you if you know who Lark is without having to Wiki/Google it.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

And how about the lyricism!? Goddam, Asher! I'm gonna try not to pat myself on the back once again for sooo calling his success. Oops, just did.

Preash Original: Ryan Cracks Ryan Up

This morning I sent an e-mail to our department that read, "Please welcome our new Art Intern. His name is Kevin Lin. Please don't be intimidated by his intensity. He really is a nice guy." with a link to this video.

While perusing related videos, Stevie 3-Times came across a bunch of videos featuring time freeze and time remapping in Adobe After Effects. This inspired him to try to make a time freeze video of his own. We shot some junk and Mike-and-Ike and Tressel helped us edit it.

Behold the greatest thing you'll see this week. It's perfect. It's seamless. It's flawless.

***A Preash Original***

Preash to Stevie-3 Times, Mike-and-Ike and Tressel

List: 9 Corporate Attempts at "Edgy" That Failed (Hilariously)

Another great list from Cracked.

9 Corporate Attempts at "Edgy" That Failed (Hilariously)

Link via Gorilla Mask

Chicks: The Babes of March Madness

The Babes of March Madness - Probably NSFW

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video: Paul Rudd and Jason Segal Delerious Making Fart Noises

You know when you're so tired that you just become kinda retarded? I think that's what's happening here. Funny stuff.

Video: Evolution of the Batman Logo

Really cool morphs of the various Batman logos through the years.

Video/Movies: Silence of the Lambs The Musical

Language NSFW

Music: Lil Wayne and Pharell - "Yes"

If you haven't heard this jam, crank it up. Absolutely ferocious beat. Makes me wanna do something evil in the dark. And it's nice to hear Weezy lay off the auto-tune for a few minutes.

Language NSFW

Video/Sports: Ridiculous White Guy Dunk

He can also rack himself in the nuts doing a crossover!

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

List: 50 Animals in Convincing Wigs

My favorite one, which somehow didn't make the list

A great way to start your Thusday - 50 Animals in Convincing Wigs

Video: Dr. Dove Rocks!

...oh, and he also blinds you with a bright light and pokes at your gums with a really sharp hook until they bleed and the blood collects in a pool under your tongue until that hose sucks it up and then Dr. Dove tells you to close your mouth and it feels like the tube is sucking your eyes out through your mouth and he tries to engage you in banal conversation but he doesn't realize that you have an assload of metal and plastic and gadgetry in your f*cking mouth so excuse me if I can't tell you my weekend plans. He has lots of goodies in his treasure chest!

Via Videogum

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Internets/Video: When Grandma Attacks

Grandma Josephine loves her whiskey, as evidenced below.

Language NSFW

For more videos of crazy Grandma Josephine, check out WhenGrandmaAttacks.com

The Internets: Bill O'Reilly Dirty Audio Clips


Back in '98, Bill O'Reilly wrote a novel about an O'Reilly-esque journalist who gets involved in crime and junk.

Wanna catch an easy sexual harrassment case!? Unplug your headphones, crank up your speakers and play some of these clips from his audio book.

Link via BuzzFeed

Video: Nintendo Superfan

Preash to Tressel

List: The 10 Unhappiest Cities in America

Check out The 10 Unhappiest Cities in America, based on depression, suicide, crime, divorce, cloudy days and unemployment.

Link via BuzzFeed

Movies: First 'Where the Wild Things Are' Movie Poster

Don't even try to act like you weren't all about the book back in the day.

Check out the first movie poster for Where the Wild Things Are!!!

Video: Microsoft Shows Us Life in 2019

In the future, there will be goddam fingerprint smudges everywhere! And I won't even be able to read a f*cking newspaper because of my fat, stubby fingers. Sweet.

Link via BuzzFeed

Sports/Politix: President Obama's Bracket

Breakin' ankles

Having trouble filling out your bracket? Why not just copy the President of the United muthaf*ckin' States!?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Video: Suprising Rifle Recoils


Video: Electro Man Summons Star Wars Theme Song

List: 5 Common Ways to Sense Lies to You Everyday

Cracked has the funniest, most informative lists hands down.

Check out 5 Common Ways to Sense Lies to You Everyday

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video/WTF!?: Horrific Old School Drivers Ed Video

You know how on TV shows you always see references to a disturbing, graphic drivers ed video that strikes fear in the hearts of kids? Signal 30 is that video.

Probably tame by today's standards, but...

Link via Gorilla Mask

Chicks/List: The 10 Hottest Female Irish Celebrities

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, check out The 10 Hottest Female Irish Celebrities

Link via Gorilla Mask

Monday, March 16, 2009

Video/WTF!?: Your Mom at Spring Break

TV: David Chase's Next HBO Project

David Chase, the guy behind The Sopranos, is working an HBO miniseries called A Ribbon of Dreams about the early days of Hollywood. Rad!

Link via BuzzFeed

Video/TV: The Commercial That Will Rape Your Brain During the Tournament

If you watched any of the conference championships, you saw it. The McDonald's singing fish Filet O' Fish commercial.

I have a feeling that this commercial will inspire violence in every red-blooded American by Saturday and by the time the teams have narrowed to the Sweet 16, our society as we know it will have broken down to anarchy, ruled by the largest, most powerful men.

Video: Retin-A Acne Rap Commercial

The good old days. In a pre-9/11 world, when being a teenager and having acne was the worst thing kids had ever heard.

Itchy itchin', itchy scratchin' means it's doin' it job!

Video: Manatee Face Squash

Reminds me of the time your mom ran into the sliding glass door.

Movies: Early Bruno News!

22 minutes of Sacha Baron Cohen's upcoming Bruno movie aired at SXSW and the peeps loved it. Supposedly even more outrageous and offensive than Borat.

Links via Pop Candy

Friday, March 13, 2009

WTF!?: Pitbull Armor


I know what you're thinking. My f*cking badass pitbull doesn't scare the sh*t out of nearly enough people.

I have your solution - Pitbull Armor

Link via BuzzFeed

List/TV/Chicks: The 10 Sexiest SNL Moments of All Time

Peep The 10 Sexiest SNL Moments of All Time

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video/TV: Back on Top - Kenny Powers' Training Video

If you're not watching Eastbound and Down, you're really out of the loop.

List/TV: Top 10 TV Fueds

In light of Stewart vs. Cramer, Time has their list of The Top 10 TV Fueds

Link via Gorilla Mask

YumYums: Crazy McDonald's Items from Around the World

Check out this unbelievably extensive collection of Crazy McDonald's Items from Around the World.

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video/TV: Jon Stewart vs. Jim Cramer

I haven't really been up on this story, but Jon Stewart has been calling out CNBC and Mad Money's Jim Cramer recently. Apparently Cramer fought back and called The Daily Show nothing more than a variety show.

Last night, Cramer went on The Daily Show and Stewart went at him pretty hard. Here's the uncensored, unedited interview.

Language NSFW

Preash to Stevie 3-Times and Tressel for schooling me on this

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Music Video: The Beatles vs. LCD Soundsystem vs. The Kinks

Awesome mashup!

Video: Talking Beaver on the Highway

What a cordial little fellow!

Stuff: Chimps Make Plans

This made me chuckle to myself.

Link via Buzz Feed

YumYums: Free Jack-in-the-Box Fries and Drink

Today only - Free small Jack-in-the-Box fries and drink with this coupon (no purchase necessary!)

Yet another Preash to Mike-and-Ike - damn, fool, you killin' it today!

YumYums: Free New Arby's Roast Burger

Buy a drink and get one of those new Arby's Roast Burgers free with this coupon.

Preash to Mike-and-Ike (he's all over the YumYums today!)

YumYums: How to Make a Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Pizza Burger

"What it do?"

Remember a few weeks ago when I posted The Bacon Cheese Pizza Burger?

Well now here's how to make it.

Good luck with your heart, brah.

Preash to Mike-and-Ike

Video: Fatass Spider Monkey Waddles His Way Into Your Heart

Monday, March 9, 2009

Video/Sports: Incredible 5'7" Dunker

Video/The Internets: GE Virtual 3D Windmill



Preash to Work Dave for the link

Video/WTF!?: Briefly Fun Super Slide

Movies: The Hangover Trailer

Could be good. Probably won't be, though. Zach Galifianakis is the man, btw.

List/TV: Cnet's 10 Funniest News Reporter Bloopers

Gotta love Cnet's Top 10 Funniest News Reporter Bloopers

Preash to Stevie 3-Times

The Internets: Online Duck Simulator

I accidentally just killed an hour playing The Online Duck Simulator. Sh*ts addictive!

Video: Starburst Llama

Love this commercial.

YumYums/The Internets: Scanwiches

Scanwiches - "Scans of sandwiches for education and delight."

Video/TV: Cops for Kids

LOL! Perfection!

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'


He's not drunk, lady, he's got Downs. Try to be a little more sensitive. Jesus.

Video: Possibly drunk Japanese guy rambles over Gameboy Marioland

List/Sports: The Top 10 Most Gruesome Sports Injuries

It's too damn early for this. I think I'll put off checking out The Top 10 Most Gruesome Sports Injuries

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video: Turtle Tries to Bone a Shoe

Bless his heart.

Movies: Watchmen Opening Credits

Wanna see the amazing opening credit sequence from Watchmen? Obviously, watching it on your computer screen doesn't do it justice, but click here!

Link via Gorilla Mask

Preash Original: Skip in the Kitchen

***A Preash Original***

Language NSFW

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Internets/Music: Thru YOU

This is one of the coolest things I've seen in quite a while. The creativity and talent this artist uses is mind-blowing.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'


Note: The site is back up and running as of 12:27 pm Saturday, March 7th.

This guy, Kutiman, edited together a bunch of unrelated YouTube videos of people playing instruments to make 7 suprisingly musical, very catchy songs.

Just awesome.

Addendum: I'm at home hours after this initial post, still completely awestruck by the brilliance of this. You can tell that this Kutiman guy is talented musician who understands the unique intricacies of multiple genres while simultaneously being a great video and sound editor. I'm so f*cking jealous of this guy's talent. Even when I disregard the amazing fact that it's all amassed from amateurish YouTube videos, I'm still completely compelled by the final musical product itself. **akwardly trying to hide my nerdboner**

This has gotta be my favorite expression of creativity on The Internets ever.

ATTENTION MUSIC INDUSTRY: Hope is not completely lost. Find a few open-minded singers. Find a few intelligent rappers. Find a diversely talented band. And get Kutiman to produce the album. Salvation.

Link via In4mador

Video: How to Smoke Smarties

Flyest sh*t ever.

Newsish: Blow-by-Blow Account of Chris Brown - Rihanna Beating

Click here to read just how badly Chris Brown beat Rihanna's ass.

Start with line 13 of the 3rd page.

And apparently there are additional, even more disturbing post-beating photos of Rihanna that haven't leaked (yet).

Preash to Morgan

The Internets: Take the Hearing Test

"Say wha?"

Throw on some headphones and take the hearing test.

I could hear up to 16 kHz, but couldn't hear 17 kHz. You? (Don't count the pops at the beginning and end. Just the tone itself.)

As you probably know, your hearing deteriorates as you get older. And being exposed to loud sounds doesn't help.

Remember when teens were using a high-pitched frequency called The Mosquito, The Repeller and Teen Buzz as their ringtone so their teachers couldn't hear the phone ringing in class?

Link via Digg.com

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Workplace: Money Marc Says Peace Out

Today is Money Marc's last day at the station. He and his wife are moving to D.C.

We have agreed that he will be my unofficial liaison for the D.C. bureau of Preash. Seeing as he'll be without a job and loving it for a short time, he says he will have time to take pictures and send in various anecdotes.

He insisted on a dedication post on Preash and I happily obliged.

If you will please click here for some very appropriate background music and peruse these pictures from our goodbye lunch. Just take it all in.

Work Dave, Money Marc and Mike-and-Ike fighting back tears

Bawling on the inside (Dilworth Grill Burger Wrap)

OMFG! Funniest sign EVER!

Work Dave let me borrow his cancer stick to vogue with

Good working with you, Money. I look forward to your out-of-work reports soon.

Money Marc Feeling Gangsta