Thursday, February 28, 2008

Link: Greatest Name Ever

This guy's either a former porn star, a desperate mega-douche or a normal guy with a good sense of humor and naïve parents.

Reminds me of when I was living in Austin and all the mayoral candidates had signs lining the streets...Austin's current mayor's name proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This guy was preceded by William B. Mayer

Anyway, so I've recently made a grammatical conversion. Since I was a kid, I've always used a comma before listing the final object in a list. For example...

I need to purchase a horse, a banana, and a horse-banana.
But within the last couple of months, and for seemingly no reason at all, I've been omitting the final comma. Like this...
My horse-banana is impractical, unreliable and awkward.
I've always been taught that either way is correct and it's just a matter of preference.

I'm usually quite good and psycho-analyzing myself (and others, for that matter), so it kind of bothers me that I can't put my finger on exactly why I've made this conversion.

The only reason I can come up with is that it just looks better. But wouldn't I have decided that years and years ago? Someone please break me down and tell me wuz up.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you are just lazy in your old age, and it takes too much effort to write that last comma. Or MAYBE it is because you need a change in your life, and the new job isn't good enough. ;)

P.S. You can psycho-analyze me reeaalll good.

Ryan said...

I don't think it's the laziness. I'm only lazy in real life, not online.

Perhaps the change thing could be it. Seems like a stretch, though.

On another note, everyone congratulate Marcy on winning employee of the month. She said it was partly attributed to the fact that she never complains. Those lucky bastards at KTAB are obviously not as close...

Anonymous said...

I have also been a product of this conversion! I was always a member of three comma club until recently. I think it must becoming the norm and our brains are seeing less three commas so now thats how we write.

Ryan said...

I'm not the only one!