Thursday, January 31, 2008

Video: Chris Berman's angry tirade

Sportscaster Chris Berman is upset. Very upset. Or should I say Chris Brrr-Man, that's cold! Whoop!

Language NSFW

Preash: Boone gets crunk in the snow

Believe it or not, I do get requests from devoted Preashers for more Boone videos. So this is for you peeps!

Nothing gets Boone crunker than cold weather and snow...

(Look closely at :13 and you can see him slip and do a faceplant! EXTREME!)

WTF!?: This is your pilot speaking...

A pilot went nuts! Passengers witnessed him yelling, crying, and demanding to speak to God.

Unfortunately, God was busy helping athletes win games and actors win awards.

Throwback Thursday: Milk commercial

One time at lunch, I was drinking Milk and a kid said, "Drinking milk today, huh?" "Yeah," I said, "it does a body good." Then he said, "Not your body." A-hole.

Throwback Thursday: 20 Fingers feat Gillette - "Short Short Man"

I'm posting the clean version because that's the one we remember. Right?

I always loved the part where she's like, "That has go the be the smallest lilililililil I have ever seen in my whole life. Get the lilil outta here!"

Throwback Thursday: Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers

Great theme song.

Throwback Thursday: Salute Your Shorts

The first ever naughty dream I had involved the curly-haired brunette chick. God bless her.

Throwback Thursday: Shanice - "I Love Your Smile"

Let's take it back to '91, folks. This song reminds me of my dad driving me to acting class (and begrudgingly letting me choose the radio station). Fruity, I know.

Throwback Thursday: Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain

Sing along, friends!

This show was tight because of all the inside Hollywood jokes...most of which went over my head at the time.

And Pinky and the Brain were so awesome, they got their own spin-off.

Video: Gay dude vs. fat chick

One of the most enteraining fights you'll ever see. "You pulled my f-ckin' tracks out!"

Language NSFW

Video: A bunch of dudes getting tazed!

Chicks: Ellen Pompeo's thin shirt

Gentlemen, I suggest you click here and check out this pic of the main chick from Grey's Anatomy looking rather excited in a sheer black shirt. Nice!

Newsish: Britney's latest addictions

Now that she's in UCLA Medical Center because "she poses a threat to herself and others," it's been revealed that America's darling is hooked on Adderall and laxatives. Hooray!

Newsish: More on the Heath Ledger drug party video

So it turns out that Entertainment Tonight is the entertianment news show that bought the rights to the Heath Ledger partying video. For $200,000!

And apparently the only thing even worth mentioning in the video is that Heath says he was a pothead for most of his life. Big deal.

Music: News on the next Death Cab album

Here's some info on the next Death Cab for Cutie album. It's due out in May. Go here to see a video of them recording in the studio. I can't wait!

Links via Pop Candy

Movies: Cloverfield sequel talks

Matt Reeves, the director of Cloverfield, is in talks to do the sequel.

Link via Pop Candy

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Music: Lil' Mama feat. Chris Brown and T-Pain - "Shawty Get Loose"

This song is gonna blow up. It's very catchy. I can already see the throng of white chicks screaming and running to the dance floor when they hear the first few seconds.

It's Lil Mama (the Lip Gloss chick...I'm a big fan of that song) featuring Chris Brown and T-Pain. It's very dancy, and what's interesting is that T-Pain is rapping instead of doing that weird vocorder singing.

TV: More weird Lost marketing

Oceanic billboards and vans popping up near the airport in Australia. Peep 'em here.

WTF!?: Frosted Flakes piece 'n' chain

That's grrratuitous!

Video: F-ckin' pep talk!

I've always wondered what ever happened to my little league coach...

Language NSFW

Video: 2 Girls, 1 Cup: The Show

A sitcom the whole family can enjoy!

Languange NSFW

Video: Corey gets his ass beat - caught on tape!

Everyone's favorite Australian party host with famous glasses, Corey Worthington, got his ass beat on camera. WHY GOD? WHYYYYYYYYY!?

Sports: Longhorns vs Aggies

#10 Texas plays #23 A&M at College Station tonight at 8 pm CST. It'll be on ESPN2.

WTF!?: "Poor Haitians Resort to Eating Dirt"

Looks like things are so bad in Haiti that they're forced to eat dirt. Sucks.

Newsish: Heath Ledger drug video to be released

Supposedly one of the entertainment news shows is soon to release a video of Heath Ledger at a crazy party talking about drug use and stuff. Wowza!

Video: The Jockster

Language NSFW

List: 11 Most Pointless Celebrity Products

11 Most Pointless Celebrity Products

"Sour Cream & Onion Rap Snacks is for da children!"

Link via Gorilla Mask

Politix: No more Edwards

John Edwards (D) dropped out of the Presidential race.

WTF!?: Cheeseburger in a Can

Cheeseburger in a Can...for real

Link via Pop Candy

TV: Lost season premiere tomorrow

Season 4 of Lost starts tomorrow. Here's 12 things from previous seasons you need to remember before you watch it, and here's an interview with Damon Lindelof about the new season.

Links via Pop Candy

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Internets: Anonymous vs. Scientology

This whole Anonymous vs. Scientology thing is getting crazy. It's pretty exciting, in my opinion.

Video: Lil Wayne attacks his DJ live onstage

This was from Lil Wayne's first performance since his drug arrest in Arizona. I guess he thinks his DJ and/or part of his entourage ratted him out.

Language NSFW

Here's what he said if you can't make it out on the video.

List: ESPN anchors' big-time eff-ups

This is a pretty fun list of the crazy criminal antics of ESPN on-air talent.

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video: Pittsburgh Penguins car commercial

Some brilliant acting here.

Video: Vader Sessions

Taking lines from other James Earl Jones movies and edit them into Star Wars clips. A lot of work must have gone into this.

Video: Close Call

He's trying to be cool, but you know he's losing all bowel control at the same time.

Video: Gandolfini attacks

Click here to watch James Gandolfini go Tony Soprano on an annoying a-hole who had it coming.

Movies: Step Brothers

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly will play step brothers in the next Adam McKay movie. That picture is pretty funny.

Speaking of John C. Reilly, check out this hilarious clip from Sunday night's episode of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job.

Politix: Funny Shirt

They're selling this shirt at

Link via Shane

Monday, January 28, 2008

Movies: Zeitgeist

I received an e-mail from my mom with the subject [Fwd: Scary Stuff]. It was a link to the following video, a snippet from a documentary called Zeitgeist. It's been viewed 2.5 million times. You can watch the entire 2 hour movie for free at

It was a surprising link to receive from my mom, because it's basically about how the goverment is becoming more and more controlling of its people, and how we will eventually live under a single world goverment that no one will dare to question. Not necessary what you'd expect from a woman who's in the 32% of Americans that still approve of Bush's job as President.

There's a lot of stuff in this clip that can't really be proven (e.g. another 9/11 conspiracy), so take it with a grain of salt. However, I'm still posting it because I support any movement that encourages questioning the norm and thinking critically about the power of government over its people.

Hopefully Shane will leave an in-depth analysis in the comments since he keeps up with politics more than anyone else I know.

Music: A Jack Johnson preview

Click here to listen to Jack Johnson's entire new album, "Sleep Through the Static".

The Internets: Internet '96

What some of the biggest companies' websites looked like 12 years ago. Fresh.

Movies: The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

Here's a trailer for an interesting-looking documentary about the government and marijuana.

Chicks: Real Girls #10


eBaum's latest real girls gallery!

Music: Adam Tensta - "My Cool"

A Swedish rapper who raps in English. Pretty catchy little dance rap jam.

Link via PerezHilton

Preash: Boone turn 2!

Happy birthday to Boone, who is 2 human years young today. You're spectacular, Big Baby.

Click to enlarge

Video: Coolest vending machine EVER

Sweeps is about to start up and I'm working the late shift for next few weeks. Therefore, the initial daily posts won't come 'til late morning/early afternoon.

Now here's the coolest vending machine EVER.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Video: Mario Lopez's creepy dance

E! is retarded and doesn't put these clips anywhere online, so I gotta bootleg 'em.

Enjoy this clip from Friday's episode of "The Soup".

Don't worry, the punchline will offset the douche chills.

Newsish: Britney has a new accent!

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

We've heard the British hear Hispanic/Asian Britney! Collect 'em all! (Marlboro Lights and Red Bull not included.)

The final results of the poll:

Which will happen first?

47% (20 votes) said a Britney sex tape emerges
30% (13 votes) said Britney dies
21% (9 votes) said Britney finds God

I was torn between the sex tape and death...I'm really surprised that many of you think she'll find God. Maybe she'll find him by accident at the bottom of a bag of Cheetos.

Video: Fart scares baby

Video: Meathead loves himself

Someone's been doing nipple presses, man.

Language NSFW

Friday, January 25, 2008

Newsish: Miley Cyrus racy pics?

Miley Cyrus, who plays Hannah Montana, may or may not be the chick in these risque pics.

You decide.

Video: New Year Slip & Slide

Japanese comedians covered in slime trying to slide across a platform. If you like this kinda stuff, keep your fingers crossed that the writers strike continues.

TV: Barack Obama does the Top 10

Barack Obama did the top 10 list on Letterman last night.

DotW: John Gibson

Douching up the airwaves

This right-wing, Fox News douche has a radio show. On that show, he mocked Heath Ledger's death the day after it happened because he played a gay guy in Brokeback Mountain. He was trying to cater the psycho-Christian loonies who believe he deserved to die for just portraying a homosexual.

Funeral music, out of context Brokeback clips, remarking, "Well, he found out how to quit you." Very classy.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Music: U-N-I - "Beautiful Day"

If you like A Tribe Called Quest and the Pharcyde, you'll like this...

I'm talking to you, Levi.

Pretty cool video, too.

Video: Horny horse ruins wedding carriage ride

Check out what the dude starts doing at 1:40. Talk about a c-ck block! Haha.

Throwback Thursday: Slinky

I usually try to stick to the more obscure stuff, but I'm making an exception because I got a special request from a special lady.

Video: Jesus Weiner Poopie


'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Video: Jerry O'Connell does Tom Cruise

OK, so I'm a few days late with this one but I just now got around to watching it, SO GET OFF MY BACK. You're not my real dad!

Video: Homosexuwhales

TV: A new mysterious Lost billboard


Throwback Thursday: Hey Dude intro

You'll surely remember this one...

That brunette chick was so hot.

Throwback Thursday: Dankaroos

Another jingle that's forever etched in my mind.

Throwback Thursday: Tic Tac Toe's

Chicks: Jessica Alba in a yellow bikini

Yes. Yes. Yes.
pic 1
pic 2

Pic: Arrested Development meets Star Wars

Click to enlarge

I'm about to start the 3rd season!

Movies: 11 Most "Noooo!" Moments in Movie History

Link via Gorilla Mask

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Preash: A celebrity gossip hiatus

It takes a lot to disgust me, but this (and this) have done the trick.

Her 28-year-old husband just died...she's taking care of their 2-year-old daughter...and now she has to dodge paparazzi!?

F-cked up.

I'm staying away from TMZ and PerezHilton for a while. As well as all the entertainment shows. Sh-t's just not right.

Update: The hiatus is over. Glad I got that outta my system. ;-)

Politix Video: Barack vs. Hillary

The much talked-about portion of the debate between the leading Democratic candidates. Many said they both looked bad because of all the "low blows."

Great viewing.

Barack vs. Hillary. Sounds like an awkward, accidental on-campus collision between a foreign exchange student and a sorority chick, doesn't it?
"Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okaaaaaaaaayyyyy? B-T-W, we walk on the right side here."

Hillary must be on the rag. (Sexism is still alive!)

Video: Old lady's sneaky store poop

Mad skills.

This is another one that you literally can't watch just once. I defy you to. It's like a twisted magic trick.

Sports: Amazing hockey goal

"The best goal I've seen Rick Nash score in his career!"

I would have to argue with least seven better Rick Nash goals come to mind without even having to think about it.

I love this game.

Video: Frat Boy Dad

The sitcom that answers the age-old question, "What happens when frat boys grow up?"


Language NSFW

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Video: Wounded eagle

Another reason you shouldn't clip your pet bird's wings.

Allen, Texas...holla atcha boy!

Video: iPhone guitar

I spent a cool 25-hundy last month because I kept forgetting not to smash it against the ground after a killer set.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sports: More Kenny George

7'8". Ridiculous.

Newsish: Heath Ledger is dead

Maybe he's just being a joker. (Count it!)

The Workplace Bonus!

Unnamed Co-worker #1: "That's what he gets for making Brokeback Moutain."
Unnamed Co-worker #2: "Exactly!"

Ahhh, Oklahoma.

Update: He was found face-down, surrounded by perscription pills in an apartment owned by Mary-Kate Olsen. Police say the death was accidental. I can't keep up...for more, just keep going to TMZ

Chicks: Mariah Carey still looking hot

Click here to see a delightful pic of Mariah Carey scantily clad at a beach in the Carribean.

Too bad she's loopy. I hope my wife looks this good at 37.

Newsish: Amy Winehouse checks into rehab

January 22nd is now officially Amy Winehouse day.

On the same day that the video of her smoking crack is released, she has now checked into rehab. Again.

Is this to try to avoid legal implications? Hiding out in rehab? You be the judge.

Video: "Get the F-ck Up Remix"

I don't get the Oxygen channel and it eats me up inside. Why? Because it's home to one of my favorite reality TV shows on air: Bad Girls Club. (See my previous post about the show)

Luckily, Oxygen offers shorter "webisodes" on their YouTube channel. Do yourself a favor and peep them ASAP.

Update: You MUST skip to the middle of this clip to see what makes this show so brilliant.

Now the peeps at made this humorous remix of one of the token fat, loud black chick's tirades.

Video: Amy Winehouse smoking crack

OK, so here's the video from which those images were pulled. The audio cuts in and out, presumably to protect the identity of the hidden camera photog.

Chicks: eBaum's Real Girls #9

So simple, yet so brilliant.


Real Girls #9


Newsish: Amy Winehouse caught smoking crack

OK, you may wanna sit down for this. As hard as this may be for you to believe...there are new pics of Amy Winehouse smoking crack. OMFG.

Video: Bill Clinton nodding (off)

Bill Clinton struggles to stay awake during a MLK day remembrance speech.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Internets: feed mouths with words

This is a pretty cool website. Test your vocabulary. For every word you get right, the sponsor donates 20 grains of rice through the United Nations to end world hunger.

You don't have to sign up or anything. Just click.

WTF!?: The Piss Puck

I was just reading "Roommate Confessions" on CollegeHumor and discovered a pretty clever prank that I'd never heard of before.

It's called a piss puck.

You pee in a shallow pan then freeze it. Once it's good and frozen, you carefully break it out of the pan and slide it under someone's door into the middle of the room. You do this at night when they're asleep...when they wake up, they've got a puddle of pee in the middle of their room. Clever.

Video: Prince Akeem's football prediction

The peeps at discovered this crazy foretelling of last night's football game in the movie Coming to America.

Movies: Cloverfield's secret message

So apparently there's a secret message after the credits. Click here to hear it.

Obviously, don't go there if you haven't seen it yet.

Video: Bert and Ernie Metal

Music for the soul.

TV: Colbert vs. Conan

Prepare yourself for the greatest TV rivalry EVER!!!

Sports: 5 wimpiest pro-sports injuries of all time

"I'm a douche!"

This is funny and really well-written.

Link via Gorilla Mask

Video: Amazing wrestling backflip move!

This isn't fake wrestling, it's Greco-Roman wrestling. This is different than the one that came out a few months ago...and it's even cooler!

What's up with the demonic echoed mumbling? Creepy.

Sports: UFC 80 Penn vs. Stevenson

Here's part 2 of BJ Penn vs. Joe Stevenson. Bloody.

Music: Young Buck - "The NY"

Check out the new single from Young Buck. It's got a pretty tight beat.

Language NSFW

Music: 33 things you should know about Led Zeppelin

Link via Pop Candy

Movies: Cloverfield sequel?

There's already talks of a Cloverfield sequel.

Anyone see Cloverfield this weekend? What'd you think?

Link via Pop Candy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Preash: Navigating Preash

I have Preash set to display only the 20 most recent posts so the page won't take forever to load. If you don't visit every day (shame on you), you may miss some.

Blogger is semi-retarded and doesn't make it obvious how to see the posts before the 20 most recent.

But it's simple.

Just click the "Older Posts" link at the bottom right corner just above the "Blog Archive". That'll show you 20 more. And so on.

Don't miss out, dummy.

Politix: Where the candidates stand

(Spelling it with an x makes it funky and fresh and hip!)

OK, so if you're anything like me, you're already supporting a presidential candidate but you're not all that good at verbalizing what it is about his/her platform that compels you.

Well here's a handy little election guide that the New York Times put together that briefly describes each candidate's stance on they key issues.

If words are too intimidating for you, here's a simple table, which includes a few more issues. There's a key at the bottom of the page, or you can simply mouse over the symbol.

Before you vote for someone, know what they stand for.

Movies: Semi-Pro exclusive

Here's a pretty funny clip promoting Will Ferrell's next probably-not-that-funny comedy, Semi-Pro. It gets quite funny at the end.

Video: Loopy woman goes crazy


"This Mexican kid is irritating me and I want him away from me!"

Wouldn't it be awesome if, at the end, she hopped in her Ferrari and peeled out?

The Internets: Shaffers Rawlings

While doing a Google image search this morning, I made a beautiful discovery.

This man.

Click to enlarge

His name is Shaffers Rawlings. Yes, Shaffers. He is the head swimming coach at Howard University.

The best part about him, though, is his hair. You MUST click to enlarge that pic to truly appreciate his awesome hair. What a champion.

Douche of the Week: Me

Preash's newest feature, Douche of the Week. This will usually be posted on Fridays...I was too busy to do it then, so today's an exception.

Who more appropriate to win the inaugural DotW award than myself!? Why?


First of all, for buying into all the hype behind Cloverfield. So much so, in fact, that there was no way it could have met my expectations. If I had just seen it without so much mental build-up, I probably would have been impressed. Oh well.

Second reason that I am the DotW: My habit of being so excited to make a joke that I don't think before I speak. Oopsies!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Video: Hillary Clinton heckled

He's yelling, "IRON MY SHIRT!" Haha.

Video: Scaring mom leads to concussion

Language NSFW

Video: Mitt Romney on Gilligan's Island

Finally, a new video from CamPain 2008!

Sports: 7'8" Kenny George

This guy plays for UNC-Asheville and he's gigantic. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Here's UNC's Tyler Hansbrough dunking on him.

Newsish: Britney's multiple personality disorder

People close to Britney Spears say she has multiple personalities, including "the British girl, the weepy girl, the diva, and the incoherent girl." Supposedly after she switches back to her "regular" personality, she can't remember anything she did as the other one. Sexy.

TV: The Lost poster

Did you notice that a cityscape is reflecting in the water in the poster for the new season.

Link via Pop Candy

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chicks: Who dis?

Recognize this celebrity? I didn't. But you do know her. Crazy, man. Click to see who it is.

The Internets: Lasagna Cat

These Lasagna Cat vidoes are getting huge on the internets. The dudes at Fatal Farm basically do a live-action reenactmet of Garfield comic strips, then follow it up with a musical montage. Bizarre and funny.

Check out all of 'em at the Lasagna Cat YouTube page.

Preash: Boone "couchin' it"

Believe it or not, I received 2 "more Boone posts" requests on consecutive days. This isn't a funny video involving him, but the sheer beauty alone should hold you over until the next time I can catch him dropping a deuce or being creepy.

Click to enlarge

I get lost in those beautiful brown eyes

Video: Indiana University Class Clown

The History of Rock and Roll is to be taken SERIOUSLY!

Video: MacBook Air Parody

This is extremely funny, human.

Video: Fake KFC Commercial

Dinner time is family time.

Video: BeatBearing demo


Video: Awkward Sports Guy

It's no "Boom Goes the Dynamite" guy, but still quite good.

Throwback Thursday: TJ Maxx Commercial

Another jingle you'll surely remember and won't be able to get outta your head for the rest of the day.

Didit Dit Dit Didit Dit Dit TJ Maxx!

Throwback Thursday: Whatchamacallit

I think it failed because people couldn't remember the name. But you'll damn sure remember the jingle!

Throwback Thursday: "C'mon N Ride It (The Train)"

This (space)jam from the Quad City DJs was da shizzle!

Why aren't there crunk songs with parentheses in the titles anymore? I mean shouldn't Soulja Boy have called it "Crank Dat (Supaman)".

Throwback Thursday: Refrigerator Raider

WTF!?: 5 Senses Diagram

Science: The 5 Senses (+1)

1) I sense you're probably cheating. (Sight)
2) I sense you're probably cheating. (Hearing)
3) I sense you're probably cheating. (Taste)
4) I sense you're probably cheating. (Smell)
5) I sense you're probably cheating. (Touch)
6) You're cheating. (Higher Consciousness)

My 3rd eye is anything but blind.

Click to see my new desktop wallpaper. This image isn't it.

PS - I wasn't personally cheated on recently...just being a clever Trevor. Chill, Anonymous.

Creep out the party hostess

"Hey, my dad's here. Can you go down and tell the cops you know him? That'd be awesome...I'll owe you one. He's got a 20 of MGD bottles! Seriously, thanks."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Have you ever farted so hard that it made your mom cry?

Video: A new ridiculous workplace safety PSA

Peep the others here and here.

The Workplace: "Too soon?"

Note to self (and you devoted Preashers): When a co-worker is writing a topical about the Virginia Tech massacre and asks for a synonym for "tragedy," jokingly suggesting "blooper" and "faux pas" doesn't go over well. Man, I'm an a-hole.

I get this reaction too often

The Internets: Corey Worthington shirt

The peeps at Busted Tees have already created a T-shirt dedicated to him. How ironic.

Check it out

Video: Douchebag Beach

"We're 3 bros from north Jersey lookin' to fall the f-ck in love this summer AT THE JERSEY SHORE!!!"

If you're a fan of the classic MTV True Life with Tommy and his friends spending a summer on the Jersey Shore, you'll really appreciate this. Too funny.

Apparently this is first of many webisodes.

Language NSFW

Video: Hitler freestyle

Pardon me, where is Brooklyn located?

Langauage NSFW

Video: Another Ordinary Day

Shot completely in reverse. This must have taken forever to plan and execute. Impressive.

Video: Saved by the Bell Crank Dat

Screech has got it down.

Video: Swing Backflip Goes Bad

Way to go above and beyond, sweetheart.

Video: Tracy Morgan on Letterman

Tracy Morgan is always an entertaining interview. He was on Letterman last week. Check out his response to what he's been doing in his spare time. Hilarious.

Part 1

Part 2

Video: The MacBook Air

So the big new thing from Apple is the MacBook Air. It's the thinnest laptop in the world and only weighs 3 pounds. Looks pretty rad.

Here's a guided tour.

Video: "I'm having another one in 2 weeks."

Can't get enough of Australian party legend Corey Worthington and his famous glasses? Here's the follow-up story.

Movies: Cloverfield quasi-review


OK, so I saw Cloverfield last night. It was pretty cool, but it didn't blow me away. I probably bought into the hype too much. What a dummy.

Anyway, Whitney Matheson from Pop Candy was right on the money, so I'm just gonna quote her.

1. Go in with no expectations. Try to forget about the hype and just take pleasure in the film, which is 90 minutes of frightful fun. If you've been ignoring the online "clues" and whatnot, you might even be at an advantage.

2. Do not sit in the front row. Reviews will probably compare this to The Blair Witch Project, partly because of the handheld camera work. On Monday we may hear from moviegoers who couldn't handle the shakiness. I'm not sure how I could've prepared for it, but I'm warning you: It's pretty severe.
Rating: 3 Preashes

Preash: I'm about to come (to your concert)

I just discovered that my favorite band, Say Anything (I've never seen them live), is playing at a local college's park just 15 minutes away from my apartment, in April. Oh shizzle!

And the ticket is only $10. Unless I get pregnant or lose half of my teeth within 3 months (it's free for students). AWESOME.

Here's the video for their latest single, "Baby Girl, I'm a Blur".

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

WTF!?: Half dog, half bear...

...and check out the one on the left, too!

Video: Roadie Hero

Quiz: Think Test

Test your powers of observation. I got a 16. You?

Link via Morgan

Preash: Seeing Cloverfield tonight!

The time has finally come...I get to see Cloverfield tonight! Check back tomorrow for the Preash review. It should be dazzling.

WTF!?: Twins accidentally get married

British twins (male and female) were unknowingly seperated at birth and eventually got married. Ooopsies!,23599,23041620-13762,00.html

Video: Amy at the Club

I think we all know a chick or two like this...

Language NSFW

Video: "I have. Everyone has, the love it."

How to be awesome.
1) Throw the best party ever so far.
2) Show no remorse.
3) Refuse to take off your famous glasses.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Chicks: eBaum's latest real girls gallery


Real Girls #8

I call #14!

Newsish: Paris Hilton's "speech"

Language NSFW

Click here to hear Paris Hilton curse a lot and be outrageous during a speech at a night club. I think her new catch phrase, which starts with "Suck it," could really catch on. What a dumb-dumb.

Newsish: Barack's favorite TV show

Getting his name out there by word of mouf

Another reason to get behind Barack Obama: his favorite show is The Wire.

Link via Pop Candy

TV: Cable shows on the networks

Because of the writers' strike, CBS has planned to start airing Dexter. Now NBC is planning to air Monk and Psych, and other shows like Mad Men and Nip/Tuck (yeah, right) are being shopped around.

Link via Pop Candy

Monday, January 14, 2008

Video: Would You Trust Todd Conner?

What an incredible a-hole!

Video: Tough Crowd by Zach Galifianakis

Language NSFW

Video: People in Order

This is strangely compelling...

Video: I want to poop back and forth...

I was bored so I did a YouTube search for "poop" and found this gem.

This had me cracking up. Apparently it's from a movie called "Me and You and Everyone We Know".

Language may be a little NSFW

Music: Steroids in Music,2933,322495,00.html

50 Cent, Timbaland, Wyclef Jean, and Mary J. Blige's names came up in a New York-based steroid investigation. Tight.

TV: Brotherhood season 2

This weekend I downloaded and watched the entire 2nd season of Brotherhood. Man, I cannot stress enough how awesome that show is! Do yourself and favor and get into it. Season 1 is available on DVD...season 2 should be soon.

Video: The Impotence of Proofreading by Taylor Mali

My mom sent me this. Pretty clever.

Newsish: The Presidential Candidates' Homes

Check out the homes of all the Presidential candidates, along with the prices.

Sports: Crazy KO

This dope got roped.

Video: Travis Barker does it again

Travis Barker did his own version of another rap song. This time it's Flo Rida's "Low". Rock!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sports: R.W. McQuarters?

I've been meaning to make this for a while...

Movies: 10,000 BC

Did you see the commercial for this movie during the Cowboys game? Here's the teaser trailer, looks incredibly badass!

Friday, January 11, 2008

TV: Lost season premiere sneak preview

Watch a minute and 15 seconds of the season 4 premiere of Lost.

Link via Pop Candy

Video: Conference Call

This is the funniest thing I've seen in long time. Hilarious!

Language Barely NSFW

Video: Office Lip-Sync

The peeps at College Humor have way too much fun at work. I'm so jealous.

This video started a fad. Watch other people's Office Lip-Syncs at

Movies: You Don't Mess with the Zohan

The next not-so-funny Adam Sandler comedy.

Music: Missy Elliott - Ching A Ling

New Missy! Shake your moneymaker.

Movies: Interview w/ Cloverfield director

This is the #1 video on YouTube right now.

I get to see it before you :-P

Video: Jake's Old Friend

Language NSFW

Video: Howard Stern on Letterman

Howard Stern was on Letterman last night and it was hilarious. Watch him bust Letterman's balls, as well as talk sh-t about a Oprah, Dr. Phil, Imus, Drew Carey, Jay Leno, himself, et al. He even gets Dave to open up about his personal life, which is rare.

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Catch a Bababooey cameo and the end of the 3rd one.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Music: Placebo - "Running Up That Hill"

I was watching the Real World finale just now when I heard a song that caught my ear. I Googled some of the memorable lyrics and discovered that it's called "Running Up That Hill" by a British band called Placebo (who's apparently been around for a long time).

Anyway, according to Wikipedia, this is the last track on the US version of their latest album, Meds. It's a Kate Bush cover.

I find it to be an awesome song. It sounds very Brand New-ish (circa Deja Entendu) with a slightly electronica twist. Maybe because of the dark vibe, maybe because of the lead singer's whimpering, crackly vocal quality, maybe because of the stripped-down instrumentation, maybe because of the build-up-to-rock-out ratio. Whatever it is, if you like Brand New, I guarantee you'll like this jam.

Lemme know what you think, and feel free to share any Placebo insight.

Colin, Levi, Nolan, this should blow your balls off.

Here's Placebo performing it live (great quality)

TV: Celebrity Rehab

Dr. Drew, American Stud

I'm quite pissed at myself for not telling you about this earlier today. I forgot. Celebrity Rehab premieres on VH1 tonight at 9 pm CST, and I have a feeling it's gonna be AWESOME. By now, though, most of you won't get this in time to see it tonight.

The dude from Crazytown. Your token crack addict - every good show's got one!

It also re-airs tomorrow (Friday) night at 1 am CST, so set your DVRs if you have 'em.

Here are a few more times the premiere ep re-airs. (All times CST)
-Saturday at 4:30 pm
-Saturday at 11 pm
-Sunday at Noon
-Sunday night/Saturday morning at Midnight