I was recently criticized for not sharing enough of my personal life and/or opinions on Preash. "Too many videos!" this delusional reader said. So anyway, here you go.
I received the following e-mail from Rustin, aka ChoCho, my younger brother (with video links).
I had a couple of submissions for your blog/wild news stories from the Houston area you may not have heard of. Also, what's up with the relationship status change on Facebook? Hope all is well in OKC. Later.
Shooting in Pasadena. It's all heard on the 911 tape. It has become a big debate issue.
The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Houston was recently imploded. About a day later amatuer video shows that there may have been someone inside. The first link below is to the footage that caused the investigation. If you look at the center of the screen you will notice a door close at about 11 seconds into the video. The second link is to a news story about the investigation.
And my reply...
Yeah, since I have to watch NBC all day now, I've had to follow the implosion "ghost" on Inside Edition...pretty crazy stuff. There was a new aerial view today that neither proved nor disproved anything. I can't believe it's taken them this long to say "It was a reflection", even if it wasn't. But honestly, I don't think it was a person.
Maybe I'm crazy, but every time I see the video, I think about how that would be an AWESOME way to die. I always think of it as an action movie where the building is exploding and crumbling behind me as I run for my life, just half-a-footstep ahead of death. If I were a bum, I would be honored to go out like that. Also, why would a bum go all the way up to the 4th floor or whatever just to crash for the night?
As for he Pasadena thing, I know nothing but I will check it out now. EDIT: After just reading the summary, we did do a "The Rant" about it.
(FYI - The Rant is where viewers send in their e-mails about a controversial subject and the anchor reads the [ideally] varying opinions. Obviously, though, most Oklahomans were in defense of the gun-wielding neighbor.)
I think the guy who shot the burglars (to death...in the their backs) is a dumbass. We all know that the only sure way to justify shooting someone is if he/she's in your house and/or presenting a fatal threat to you. This neighbor went out of his way to chase down and shoot some robbers, despite the advice of the 911 dispatcher. What if it had turned out to be some teenage kids just looking to wrap a house?
I don't think that guy should do hard time, but letting him off scot-free would set a dangerous precedent.
Preash to Rustin on helping with content and interacting!
I preash your take on something! Hurray for less videos and more Ryan D. Rawlings!
In MY opinion, I more so preash Preash for NOT being like every other blog. Often times blogs are written by people that are self-righteous shut ins who think everyone in the world cares about their opinion on a current issue. I preash Preash for its frequent updates, entertaining media, and its sarcastic quips sprinkled throughout. All of these things are Ryan Rawlings, that's what makes Preash what it is. Save the drama fo yo mama, not for Preash.
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