Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Video: Indian music video with "translations"

For some reason, I find these "sounds like" subtitle videos to be hilarious...

"A jet pack...operation...Send him the crazy Hindu!"

Absolutely Hilarious Indian Music Video - Watch more free videos

Video: Hilarious Simpsons video game ad

Remember the Mr. Sparkles episode!? This is an awesome commercial for the Simpsons video game...

From what I've read/heard, this game is actually pretty good. Comes out tomorrow. I believe I will be asking for this for Xmas, as well as Guitar Hero III and Call of Duty 4.


I can't get enough of this pic. Wow.

Newsish: Colbert for President and a YumYums preview

So apparently Stephen Colbert running for President is legit. I still have a hard time believing you? If it is true, though, I'll probably vote for him. The presidency has already been a joke for the past seven years. Zing! (There's my unbelievably original left-wing quip for the day. You're welcome.)

Also, I'll be trying this within the next couple of days, and I'm ever so excited about it. Just reading the description gives me a semi. Don't fear, friend of friends...I'll be reporting on that experience EXCLUSIVELY right here on Preash. It's a pretty big deal.

Booze: Starry Night

I was introduced to a new shot last night that I couldn't believe I'd never heard of before. It was called a starry night. Half Jagermeister, half Goldschlager. It was delicious! Give it a shot. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!1!!1 SHOT! Oh my heavens...I wish you were as funny as me. It's a great feeling.

Video: "Alright, you're a great zombie..."

In the spirit of old Hallow's Eve...spooktacular!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Video: 15 laterals lead to a miracle winning TD

I would've posted this sooner, but I had to work. OK!? Some of us have dog mouths to feed. It's sweeps, for Christ's sake! Lay off.


YumYums: Reminder - free taco bell tomorrow

Go to Teebs (as I afectionately call it) to get your free crunchy taco tomorrow (Tuesday). I recommend you get a chicken quesadilla and a beef grilled stuft burrito while you're there...or, to save youself some time, just ask for the Rawlings combo.

Info here:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Complaint Box: Update on the loud kids upstairs

Several days ago, I complained about the loud little kids in the 1-bedroom apartment above me who run around all day and all night.

Well, I had to snitch. I called apartment management and filed a complaint. Their running from one end of the apartment to the other was rattling my windows and shaking my ceiling. It got quiet for a while, and it hasn't been as bad overall. But they still go buck wild sometimes. It's then when I stand on a dining room chair and throw hammer fists against the ceiling. They usually get the point.

"Mom won't let us play outside because she hates us."

So I'm hoping that they've gotten the point for the most part. The best part is now, on the rare occasion that the kids are playing outside, they get scared when they see me. They saw me as I was leaving the apartment yesterday and immediately ran upstairs. Me mad-dogging them probably had something to do with it, too.

Video: penguin sex in Happy Feet!

OK, so I accidentally watched Happy Feet on HBO this morning. About 28 minutes into the movie, something caught my eye. I had to rewind and make sure I saw what thought I saw. Mumble, the male penguin, and Gloria, the female penguin, in 4 different sex positions! It's quick, but it's there.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Video: Jake & Amir - Bubblewrap

Jake and Amir make these short funny vidoes a couple of times a week. I find them to be hilarious. They are writers on another one of my favorite websites, College Humor.

Please do enjoy!

Bubble Wrap from Amir on Vimeo.

Newsish: Justice, finally

So there is justice out there. They finally let this kid out in Georgia. It's about time!

Complaint Box: A reader is effing annoyed

I got this e-mail this morning.

"I'm liking what you're throwing down on Preash, but (I've had this complaint with ----'s emails as well) I find it highly annoying when people write out "eff". Why not write something is so "f'ing" or "f#cking" gratifying? It looks like you want to effect of dropping a f bomb, but you're trying to be sensitive to others finding it offensive. I'm sure you'll take in to account that this is the opinion of an over-cusser. That said, I think its stupid and I hate it."

First off, this e-mail excited me because someone's actually checking out the blog. For that, I say preash.

Now...I used to type "f'ing". But whenever I read "f'ing", it makes me pause for a second because it kinda looks like fing. However, when I read "effing" the middle of a sentence I immediately know what it means and continue to read the sentence without pause. So I now type "effing" because "f'ing" is hard to read and "f#cking" takes too long with the shift and all. I'm trying to type exactly what I'm thinking and don't want to be slowed down - "effing" comes out quickly.

Only in local TV news will you hear, "Hey, f#ck off, Buzz!" My fav news-cussing clip of all time. Language NSFW

The reason I don't type the real word altogether is so you can read this at work. I don't care about offending the readers. If anything in this blog offends you, I don't want you reading it anyway. I fear that some of the work filters may block readers if cuss words are present.

That being said, I'd have no problem changing if that's what you readers call for. So leave a comment on whether I should keeping "effing", or change to "f'ing" or "f#cking".

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pic: Josh Beckett and me

A photog asked me if anyone had ever told me I looked like Red Sox pitcher Josh Beckett, to which I replied, "No, but I wish I had his talent." How clever!

I guess I can see it. Two handsome devils. So whaddya think?

Video: Indian Condom Song

I desperately need this as a ringtone.

Link via Best Week Ever

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Complaint Box: take your damn kids outside

It's early fall in OKC. It's a sunny 65 or 70 degrees in the evenings. Perfect weather to be outside.

And the kids in the apartment above me are running around inside...every night...from 4 pm to 10 pm.

There used to be a young, single chick who lived above me. I never heard her. Seriously, never. Sometimes I even wondered if she had moved out. Well, she actually did a couple weeks ago. Now a single Indian mother and her 2 kids, a boy who's probably in 2nd grade and a girl who's probably in Kindergarten, have moved in. In a 700 sq. foot 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom apartment. Holy shit.

The kids run around the apartment non-stop. Constant thuds from above. Sometimes stuff in my apartment vibrates. Last night I decided to fight fire with fire. I cranked up my stereo and turned the bass to the max. I think I got the point across. There was silence for about 20 minutes. Then it got crunk again.

"Let's eff with Ryan! Hooray!"

When I was a kid, my mom wouldn't even let my brother and I look at each other inside. As soon as we started to wrestle, she'd scream, "GO OUTSIIIIIDE!". So we would. When we started to wrestle on the lawn, she'd come out there and scream, "STOP IT! STOOOOOP IT!"

These kids need to go play outside. There's a playground in the apartment complex, for Christ's sake! Do something, crappy single mom!

I'll do the stereo bit a few more times, then I guess I'll have to be the snitch neighbor who complains to the management. I've always been on the receiving end of such complaints, never the giver.

Stay tuned!

Video: La Fiesta!

Video: Conan - Fire Alarm

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

YumYums: Doritos Collisions and Arby's French Dip & Swiss Toasted Sub

A shoutout to 2 of my favorite unhealthy foods these days.

Doritos Collisions - Zesty Taco & Chipotle Ranch

Rating: 7 out of 10

There are currently 2 varieties of Doritos Collisions chips. The other is Hot Wings and Blue Cheese, but the Zesty Taco and Chipotle Ranch are far superior (those are the ones I'll be describing here). The basic premise - 2 different, but complementary, flavors of chips mixed up in one bag. Brilliant. I can't tell much of a difference between the two flavors, but it doesn't seem to bother me much. Currrently my 2nd favorite Doritos flavor(s), after Blazing Buffalo and Ranch.

Arby's French Dip and Swiss Toasted Sub
Rating: 7 out of 10

Just bread, meat, cheese, and au jus. Au jus, for those of you uncultured types, is meat sweat. I guess. I think of it as tasty sauce. Anyway, I'm a big fan of dipping food into's always been my thing, going back to childhood, when I used to dip just about everything in ketchup. Even filet mignon. But I digress.
This hot sandwich is quite filling, they aren't stingy with the au jus, and you can't beat the curly fries if you get the combo. The sub itself is actually better than the french dips at some of the higher-end sandwich places. The only downside is that both the sandwich by itself and the combo are kinda pricey for fast food.

The Preash Phenomenon Has Begun

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Prepare...
