Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Video: New Harvard Sailing Team Videos!

It'd been a while since the sketch comedy troupe Harvard Sailing Team put out a new video. But now they're back to it. So LOLs all around!

Boys Will Be Girls
"How does she feel about it and what does she think about how she feels?"

Girls Will Be Boys

By Popular Demand: Dog Attacks Police Car and Scarface School Play

As frequent Preashers may notice, a lot of what I post here depends upon my mood. If I'm feeling especially silly you may see a flurry of stupid, nonsensical, mindless pics, animated gifs, and videos. (I believe the 'nets call them WTheFs.) If I have a case of the grumpgrumps, I'm more likely to be critical of what I see and second-guess posting certain things. And if I'm busy, you get nothing.

I guess that's the down side to frequenting a blog that's run by one dude and one dude only. If you're entertained by even a fraction of what you see on Preash, you're likely to come back because you can be pretty sure that type of stuff is what you'll see next time. But there are times when something good may slip through the cracks due to something as simple as Ryan has diarrhea. (See what I did there?)

And when enough people email me, suggesting I put a certain video (that I've seen but haven't posted) on Preash, it tells me that I've let one get away.

So here's how we fix that: By Popular Demand. I don't expect it to be too common an ocurrence. But if I've passed on something the first time for whatever reason and a Preasher or Preashers convince me that I let diarrhea grumpgrumps get in the way, I'll post it By Popular Demand.

Fear not, though, skeptics. Most of the stuff I purposely leave off Preash - stuff that I am very much against; stuff that incites swabchills - will stay off. Blatant viral marketing - no. Unfunny, easy ripoffs sold as "parody" - no. And these - God no. Assholes. I am still the filter, after all.

So now that you've trudged through my Preash ideology, I present to you, by popular demand, dog attacks police car and Scarface school play.

This dog's name is Winston, btw.

Rec by S3x, mom, and Tres

Not actually a school play, duh.

Rec by The Goat

Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Video/Sports: Charlie Hoard, Rant Writer

This guy is great on Modern Family (which is very funny, if you've never seen it).

Language NSFW

Video: The Stuff of Nightmares

Via Videogum

Video/Chicks: The Specs Effect

Rec by S3x, via BuzzFeed

Video: The Bird Man of Lisboa, Portugal

Via Digg

Pic: Cute Dog*

*dog not pictured

Video: All Three Laws of Motion at Once

Via Reddit

Video: Lady Gaga, ChatRoulette Style

This is my jam, btw.

Via Reddit

YumYums/List: The 40 Deadliest Fast Food Meals

In the mood for something unhealthy and easy to find for lunch today? Check out The 40 Deadliest Fast Food Meals.

My favorite Taco Bell item, the Grilled Stuft Burrito, tops the list in the sodium category. Ouch. A blatant oversight, though - Jack in the Box's Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger, at 937 calories at 1837 mg of sodium, didn't make the list.

Via Pop Candy

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Video: Hilarious Fight in a Whataburger

Featuring commentary by some dude and Paul Wall, for some reason.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Language NSFW

Video: Seth Myers' Boner Ghost

Who knew he did such a good Will Forte impression?

Via BuzzFeed

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Video: Kids Peg Cars with Waterballoons

My junior year of college, my roommates and I lived in a 2nd floor apartment just off campus. For a few glorious weeks, we would drop waterballoons on passing cars coeds who were all dressed up and walking through West Campus to get to various parties. There were some trees right next to the sidewalk so, if we didn't feel like trying to directly hit passersby, we could just hit the tree over their heads and give them their own personal rainshower.

Then a high school buddy came to town. THAT high school buddy. He refused to let up on the waterballooning because he didn't give a shit about the repurcussions. Eventually he hit the wrong people. A couple of guys from the Asian fraternity next door and their ladies. They were livid. They demanded we show ourselves. They threatened to kill us. All over some moist clothes.

We got inside just in time, as they started pelting the sliding glass door with rocks. It sounded like a war zone. Luckily the door held. We forgot about it a few days later and all left for spring break. When he got back, everything on the patio was gone.

A couple of nice chairs. A decent keg shell. A mini grill. Gone. They must have gotten a latter ladder and climbed up there. Luckily, this was one of the few times we actually locked that sliding glass door or else I'm sure they would've let themselves inside and ransacked the place. I still don't understand how they were able to climb up a latter to the second floor of a busy apartment building in one of the busiest areas near campus without being noticed, but they did. As I recall, that was more or less the end of our waterballooning days. But it was fun while it lasted.

(Just thought I'd share that story since I got a complaint that I haven't really "blogged" in a long time. Some people actually want to read stuff I write. Go figure.)

Video: George W. Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt

George W. didn't have any sanitizer handy after shaking a Haitian's hand, but thanks to some quick thinking, he was narrowly able to avoid the cooties.

Via Reddit

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Video: Mic Picks Up Biden Saying "This is a big f*cking deal"

In case you haven't been to any other website today...

YumYums: Free Ben & Jerry's Cone Today

You can get a free ice cream cone at Ben & Jerry's today from 12-8pm.

You can also get a free pastry at Starbucks with the purchase of a drink, but that ends in an hour (10:30 am).

Via Pop Candy

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Video/TV/Sports: ESPN NCAA Tournament Bracket Commercial

The "DICKIE V. BRACKET, BABY!" part was especially funny to me because Work Dave had no shame in telling everyone that he just copied Dick Vitale's bracket today. That is, after he had to ask me who the "loud, crazy announcer guy" was to look it up.

Video/TV/Music: The TV Theme Medley

This is one dude, doubled. I think he used clever lighting, web programs and a pulley system to make it appear as if there is two of him.

Fellow TV addicts will love this. (Casual TVers will think it's fun to watch on the weekends. Those who don't watch TV will say they're not interested, "but don't let that keep you from watching," then you'll catch them looking at you disapprovingly when you're really starting to enjoy it.)

PS - Sorry I missed the boat with this one. It hit the 'nets almost a day ago! Shameful.

Via BuzzFeed

Video: Don't Steal A Hustla's Cookies

Language NSFW


Video: Explosion During Morning Show

Don't be alarmed. This is just how they let the host know it's time to throw to break.

Videos: Zach Galifianakis' Between Two Ferns Featuring Ben Stiller

Now your grandma is on the Zach G. bandwagon. And your little niece. And your boss who has an expensive HDTV but still watches everything in SD because she can't remember which ones are the HD channels. But whatever.

Language NSFW

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Video/Sports: Amazing High School Dunk

"Hillcrest 5-11 senior Trey Starks dunks over 6-6 player from Oakville Academy in Missouri class 5 championship game."

Video: Jesus, Man

...And now you know how Shutter Island ends.


Video: The Still Face Experiment

What happens when a mother shows no response to her child?

Via Reddit

Monday, March 15, 2010

Video/TV: Treme Trailer

Check it out, yo. The trailer for David Simon's (The Wire, duh) new HBO series, Treme.

Via BuzzFeed

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Video: Maniacal Optician Has a Violent Emotional Breakdown

This swab deserves a good ol' fashioned ass beating. Make sure you watch the whole thing.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Via Videogum

Video/List: The Top 20 5-Second Films

Remember when I told you about 5-Second Films. Well now someone has up and made a nice compilation of the best ones. Fresh.

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Language NSFW

Via Reddit

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Video/Movies/TV: Hutts and Recreation

Good luck not singing this next time you watch Parks and Recreation. Hey, that's tonight!

Via @vultureblog

Pic: News

Via Reddit

List: The 50 Favorite Moments in Photoshop History

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Photoshop's existence, Complex has put together a great list of their 50 Favorite Moments in Photoshop History.

Via Gorilla Mask

List: 23 Pics of One Smokin' Hot Chick

Probably NSFW

There was a photo of a hot chick making its rounds on the 'nets. The dudes at The Chive figured out who it is and uncovered a bunch of additional pics. Check out 23 Pics of Possibly the Hottest Chick Ever. She's 19 years old. And...wow.

Via Gorilla Mask

List/Sports: The 10 Best Sports Fan Freakouts

I'm sure you'll get a kick out of The 10 Best Sports Fan Freakouts.

Via Gorilla Mask

Video: Handsome Men's Club Outtakes

Video: Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer

Funny and well done.

Stuff: No Means No!

Video: Clever Viral Ad by Samsung

Monday, March 8, 2010

Music Video: Kid Cudi feat. MGMT and Ratatat - "Pursuit of Happiness"

The original video for Kid Cudi's "Pursuit of Happiness" was nothing special. There seemed to be a pretty big disconnect between the spirit of the song and the video itself. Whoever's responsible would probably chalk it up to an attempt at irony. I don't know that I'm buying that.

This recently released alternate video does a lot better job of visually translating the theme of the song, in my opinion. You can tell a lot of time went into the planning, blocking and camera work. Amazing optical illusions reminiscent of techniques Gondry used for Lucas' "Lucas with the Lid Off" video. It almost comes off like an anti-drug PSA, except cooler. Plus we all know Cudi wouldn't promote abstaining from drugs.

(I'm sure you want to skip over this because you figure, "Really how artistic can a rap video be these days?" But trust me, gramps. Give it a gander.)

Update: Fixed.

Video: Psychic Drawing Fail

'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'

Video: Awesome Treadmill Bike Trick

Video/TV: Zach Galifianakis Shaves His Beard Backstage During SNL

I remember thinking his beard looked fake during the goodbyes. Now we know why.

Preash to S3x (who doesn't like to admit when he gets things from BuzzFeed)

Video/TV: Full Unedited - Ronnie's Brawl on the Boardwalk


"TMZ has obtained the raw footage of the "Jersey Shore" board walk brawl that a couple claims was edited to make them look like the aggressors and not Ronnie and Sammi ... but after watching it, we're still not sure who's to blame. [JT] and [KP] claim the footage -- which they submitted as an exhibit in the lawsuit they filed against MTV -- proves the network and the "Jersey" producers diced up the tape in a way that was "inconsistent with what really took place."
I don't think this video helps the other couple's case at all. Both the dude and the chick keep walking towards Ronnie the whole time. I like the disembodied voice at the end - "I think they're fighting!"

Pic/The Internets: i m 5

LOL all day.

Video/TV: Jimmy Kimmel's Handsome Men's Club

Lots of big names in this one. Funny stuff.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Video: Pink Terror Hawking

"Slow-motion acts of color-coded violence performed to the tune of Stephen Hawking."

Video/TV: The Daily Show Takes on ChatRoulette

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tech-Talch - Chatroulette
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

Video/TV: Zach Galifianakis on Jimmy Fallon

Reminder: Zach G. hosts SNL this weekend with musical guests Vampire Weekend.

Music Video: Rad Omen - "Rad Anthem"

Amazing music video. A bunch of your favorite fast food icons go on a drug- and booze-fueled night out. Debauchery ensues. (Nick Swardson plays Wendy!)

Probably NSFW

Via BuzzFeed (rec. by S3x)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Video/TV: Party in the USA (The "Lost" Remix)

Funny stuff if you're a Lost fan. The part with the guys in the van was cracking me up.

List/Movies: Cinema's 15 Greatest Actor-Director Pairs

Vulture has an interesting list of Cinema's 15 Greatest Actor-Director Pairs.

Myself, Tressel and Mike-and-Ike made it into a guessing game. Mike-and-Ike knows his movies.

List/Sports: The 50 Biggest Screw-Ups in Sports History

Convince yourself that you would have done it better with The 50 Biggest Screw-Ups in Sports History.

Via Gorilla Mask

Video: Creepy 1969 IHOP Commercial

IHOP was trying to appeal to the acid-dropping, white, middle-class family demographic.

Chicks: American Apparel Finds the Three Best Butts

Probably NSFW

Remember the glory that was American Apparel's Best Butt Contest? Well now they've named the top 3. ;)

Video: Power Mix Dance Party (Recorded 1/5/'91)

This is what heaven looks like.

This video reminds me of going to Skate Central in its heyday.

I could watch this video all day.

- I noticed the portly, bespectacled girl said something to her friend, the girl who is ready to wiggle it ("yeaah"). I went back a second time to figure out what she was mouthing, not realizing that a simple guess would have been right anyway. "It's hot."

- The Technical Director's cheap meth starts kicking in around the 2:13 mark.

- Of course they cut to the one black couple in the place when Tony! Toni! Tone! starts pumpin'.

- Lady in blue at 5:08 went straight to Scandals when her shift at JC Penny was over. No time to go home and change when Dino Papastratis is DJing!

- 5:58 - Jesus, get some air conditioning up in that piece already.

- Lady in grey behind The Storm at 6:03 is a real good time, if you know what I mean.

- 6:28 - Our friend is back. Probably saying she doesn't like this song anyway.

- Multi-colored overalls at 6:50!

- Our girl in grey isn't wearing shoes. Told ya. She gets down for her crown.

Via BuzzFeed

Video: Wii Curling Fail

I'm new to the WWW, so it took me a few days to extract the code to this video and cut/paste/save as/warm boot it to this weblog. My apologies for the tardiness.

Via every other cyberpage

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Video: Super Slo-Mo Dogs

Now this is how you advertise dog food. Beautiful.

Via BuzzFeed

Stuff: Cash Bath

Preash to Shea

Movies: New Red Band Trailer for Kick Ass

Looks pretty rad.

Language NSFW

Music Video: OK Go - "This Too Shall Pass"

Another badass video from OK Go. This one features a really intricate Rube Goldberg Machine.

Preash to The Goat

Video/TV: The 3-Year-Old Who Cried for Justin Bieber Gets to Meet Justin Bieber

Very sweet. Let that be a lesson to you, ladies. If you want to get a guy's attention, just cry until he suprises you on national television.

Sports/The Internets: Watch the NFL Combine Live Online

Andre Smith was aerodynamic

You can watch the NFL Combine live online here. It's free, great video quality and you can toggle between the two different groups. The commentators speak quietly and calmy, life golf announcers, so it turns out to be suprisingly relaxing viewing. Today is Day 4 of the Combines - DBs.

Preash to Work Dave