This hilarious collection of 25 Manbabies, in which Photoshoppers switch the heads of grown men and babies, should crack you up. If you're normal. (My favorite is the waterpark one.) for more.
Via Digg
Sunday, January 31, 2010
List: 25 Manbabies
Video/Sports: President Obama Does Play-by-Play for Duke Georgetown Game
I thought this would be something from The Onion at first.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Video: Kid Wants to Go to REAL Jail
"We thank you for your candor, young man. You're a credit to underage criminals everywhere."
Language NSFW
Chicks: American Apparel's Best Butt Contest
Probably NSFW
American Apparel is having a Best Butt Contest, which means you get to look at a bunch of hot chick-submitted pics of their amazing rumps. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
Hells. Yes.
Via Gorilla Mask
Video: ANOTHER Fresh Prince Prank to Christian TV
Still cracks me up. I love how the former victim explains the prank to his co-host.
'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'
Here's the first one.
TV: Why Late-Night Hosts Always Sit on the Right
Check out this really interesting article about Why Late-Night Hosts Always Sit on the Right.
Via Pop Candy
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Video: Magic Hugs Outtakes
Enjoy this outtake reel from one of my favorite internet sketch comedy groups, Magic Hugs.
Language NSFW
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Internets: Unhappy Hipsters
The captions are what really makes this Unhappy Hipsters Tumblr so funny. Great writing.
Via BuzzFeed
List/Sports: What Athletes Eat After a Game
"Do you want me to ham it?"
Now you know What Athletes Eat After a Game.
Via Digg
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Video: Will Arnett Defeats Interviewer Matt Zaller
The National Lampoon interviewer who messes with celebrities (remember when he got Megan Fox to put a bag over her head?) has a hard time keeping up with Will Arnett. Funny stuff.
Language NSFW
List: 7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art
Cracked has another great list. This one of 7 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Works of Art. Truly fascinating stuff, friends.
Via Gorilla Mask
List/Movies/TV: The Top 10 Legends (as in Falsehoods) in TV and Film
Sex in the sky?
Here's a pretty entertaining list of The Top 10 Legends (as in Falsehoods) in TV and Film.
Via Gorilla Mask
Music Video: KiD CuDi - cudderisback
This isn't so much a music video as it is behind-the-scenes footage of Cudi breaking down weed and smoking it with friends. Also, they talk about taking dumps at the end. Fun times!
Language NSFW
Via @vultureblog
Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Video/TV: Extended Italian Family Recaps First Five Seasons of Lost
Quite hilarious.
"We're gonna die in here or somethin'. I just gotta push this button, brotha."
Via Urlesque
Video: Hardcore Miley Cyrus Dance Party
The song is just too damn catchy to be denied by anyone. Anyone.
"this is from a punk rock show in atlanta on janurary 12th. the bands that played were TRAPPED UNDER ICE , CRUEL HAND , NAYSAYER , and FOUNDATION. it was rad to see hardcore kids take themselves a little less serious and loosen up. everyone had a good time for sure!"
Via Videogum
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Video: Animated Acid Trip
A bunch of friends drop acid. One starts talking to himself. His friends record him and later animate the recording. Well done.
Language NSFW
Via Reddit
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
List/Music: 15 Rock Stars Who Went Off the Deep End
Music can be a tough biz, friends. Check out 15 Rock Stars Who Went Off the Deep End.
Via Gorilla Mask
List: The 10 Most Bizarre Sex Ed Videos
Oh, silly Americans and their oppressive, puritanical views on human sexuality. Take some time out to laught at The 10 Most Bizarre Sex Ed Videos.
Via Gorilla Mask
Video/TV: Jersey Shore Cast on Chelsea Lately
I hate Chelsea Handler with a passion that runs hot and deep through my soul. But when The Situation, Snooki and my boy Pauly D show up for an appearance...well, I gotta watch.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Music Video: The Very Best ft. Ezra Koenig - "Warm Heart of Africa"
Ezra Koenig is the lead singer of Vampire Weekend. But you knew that already. Enjoy this happy African music.
Preash Repost: Conan in Charlotte - No Big Deal
To show solidarity with Conan as he takes a high and hard one from NBC/Leno, I am reposting the post I made when he came to our station in Charlotte in February of '09. Conan is a genuine, kind, creative, hilarious dude. Good luck, Coco!
So today was the much awaited day that Conan O'Brien came to our station in Charlotte.
Click to enlarge pics
A scratch of anticipation
He arrived at about 10:15 through the back studio door with his producer, Jeff Ross, his NBC handler, and his own photog. He was remarkably cool considering the situation he was walking in to. Half of the people in the building were packed into the studio awaiting his arrival. Everyone just kinda stared silently in awe, snapping pictures and waiting for him to make the first move.
He was super cool and just immediately started introducing himself to everyone individually and shaking their hands. He started with a few of our photogs, then moved to Work Dave. He made fun of how quickly Work Dave said his name. "You said your name really fast," he said. "HiI'mDave."
After shaking Mike-and-Ike's hand, he shook mine. His hand was soft and cool. Sorry if that description creeps you out, it's just a fact.
Conan kinda walked around and made small talk with a few folks, including our weather man, Larry Sprinkle. He was still so mellow considering a roomful of people were just silently watching him shoot the sh*t.
His handler told him he needed to go get in makeup so he made one of his trademark self-deprecating jokes about how frightening he looks without it and excused himself.
Conan and his small entourage came back in about 15 minutes later with a different script from what Money Marc wrote. We all kinda expected them to change it up, so it was no big deal. He is the comedy genius here, after all.
We all stood around for a few minutes preparing to shoot while Conan did the same natural, funny, friendly riffing you see him do on the show. He wasn't even slightly different than what you see on TV. I positioned myself close to him and signaled to Mike-and-Ike to snap some pics.
Positioning myself creepily behind Conan
I think I've angered him
Confidence manifested
We shot the promos in a hurry. They did the bit where the anchor woman, Sonja, pronounces Conan's name wrong (like Conan the Barbarian), Conan sneaks into frame and whispers the correct pronunciation, then slips back out of frame. Conan kept joking about how we were going to have to cancel the 11 o'clock newscast because there was so little time.
Damn, I look good in that shirt
I can't think a clever caption for this one
Once the promo shoot was complete, we hurried upstairs to shoot the one-on-one interviews. Our morning show anchor, Colleen Odegaard (who happens to be one of the nicest, coolest women in the building) would do her interview first, then a bunch of reporters from nearby markets would do theirs. For all of the interviews, I was running the camera behind Conan, focusing on the reporter, and Stevie 3-Times was running the opposing one.
But this was, by far, the best part. During Colleen's interview, she asked Conan what kind of music he had on his iPod. As you'll see later in the video, the first band he mentioned was Vampire Weekend. Impressed by Conan's very trendy, tasteful answer, I unknowingly gave an approving nod. This must have caught Colleen's eye, who said, "You're saying yes, Ryan? You know...OK." Conan immediately picked up on this and said, "Yeah, there's some nodding going on behind me? OK, I'm getting the thumbs up from the 25-year-old, which means I said the right thing." BADASS!!! I just had a humorous interaction with one of my comedy heroes!!!
Conan did the rest of the interviews over the next half hour or so. Of course he had to answer the obligatory hair question about five times. The impressive part was his answer was never the same. One reporter asked how many answers he had for that question and he replied, "As many as I have hairs on my head." Deep, man. I noticed that he would only refer to the Masturbating Bear as "The Bear." He did once call it "The Self-Pleasuring Bear" when forced to expound. Throughout the interviews, again, he was witty and down-to-earth and friendly.
At some point during the interviews, Work Dave somehow weaseled his way into becoming Conan's temporary handler. Mike-and-Ike said he even escorted Conan to the bathroom at one point. He was running around all over the place in a determined pomp, looking like an undercover Secret Service agent who bought his disguise in a furious rush at The Gap. Sounds about right. (Listen to him introducing Conan to Chris in the last shot before "Pics" to get a feel for what that scene was like.)
After the interviews, Conan was scheduled to rub elbows and take pictures at a client meet-and-greet in our break room/conference room. I figured it would be a pain to try to get a picture with him in there, so I tapped him on the arm just before he was going inside and asked for a picture. As you'll see in the video, Money Marc was rolling video and both Conan and myself were waiting for him to take a picture. It made for a slightly awkward, delicious delay. But I got a website plug in.
Mission accomplished
Mike-and-Ike thankful he decided not to wear the exact same sequined snake-print shirt
My naughty smile, teeheehee
Stevie 3-Times up in the mix
Tressel being coy
Conan talked to everyone and took pictures with everyone. He was very accomodating. He then came back down to the studio to shoot some custom lines for stations and clients. After all this, he was still cool about having to read asinine lines in front of a green screen directly to clients. Sh*t like, "Hey Jim at Reynolds Toyota, it's me Conan. You better make budget this quarter or else your sales team is gonna be replacing you...with me. That's right, me!" I felt bad for him. But I guess it's part of the job.
Even after that, he volunteered to go say hello to everyone in the newsroom. He went through and talked and took pictures with all of the producers and photogs and so on. Nice guy.
I went back upstairs because I had already gotten my Conan high. Didn't want to overdo it. So that was it. Conan was nice and funny and easy-going. I really hope he isn't forced to kowtow to his new Tonight Show audience and that he's allowed maintain the same quirky personality that made him so popular amongst us younger folk.
Today was awesome. So now please enjoy my video summary of the exciting day. (Make sure you watch it in High Quality by click the HQ button from the bottom right corner of the window.)
***A Preash Original***
Video/TV: What Leno Said About Handing The Tonight Show Over to Conan in 2004
Back in '04, Jay Leno announced on The Tonight Show that he would be handing it over to Conan in 2009. Bet he wishes he could take this speech back.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Video/TV: Kimmel Goes on Leno's Show to Rip Him a New One
In case you haven't seen this yet... Cleary Kimmel, too, is on Team Coco.
Video/Chicks: Alison Brie is F*cking Hot
You know who Alison Brie is? She plays Trudy Campbell, Pete's wife, on Mad Men and Annie Edison, the nerdy conservative, on Community. And I love her. She's simultaneously cute and sexy.
Work Dave just introduced me to this video. It makes my body do strange things.
And here's some pics.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Video/Sports: Monta Ellis' Crazy Shot and Crazier Handshake
He told you all he had to do was warm that thang up, main.
List/Movies: Seven Classic Movie Moments You Didn't Know Were Improv
Check out this neat little list of Seven Classic Movie Moments You Didn't Know Were Improv.
Via Digg
Video/TV: Letterman on the NBC Pinheads
Also, Jimmy Kimmel will be on Leno tonight. I'm not sure what to expect. Hopefully Kimmel mans up and rips on Leno. Especially after this. But it's doubtful.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Video/TV: Teaser Trailer for David Simon's Next HBO Series, Treme
If you don't know who David Simon is, you've never watched The Wire. If you've never watched The Wire, you should leave this page and go watch reruns of Friends or something. Loser.
Video/Sports: LaDanian Tomlinson's LT Style Electric Glide Music Video
OK, so Tim and Eric MUST be behind this, right? Or else someone is obviously biting their style.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Video: PERFECT Amateur Commercial For White Diamond Perfume
For those nights when you, too, feel complete impulsive. Spice up your night on the town with a handsome, eyebrow-twitching zoot suiter. White Diamond.
Via Videogum
Video: Crazy Lady on an Airplane
Shouldn't an air marshall be tackling her to ground right about now?
Via Digg
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Music: Bassnectar - "Cozza Frenzy (Mega-Bass Remix)"
Looking for a great song to go on a coke binge and kill a prosty to? Look no further!
Starts off innocently enough in the first minute or so, like the first couple of key bumps in the bathroom. Then flips the script and gets straight evil with it. I can't be held responsible.
Music?: Flavor Flav - "I'll Never Let You Go"
Flavor Flav just released an R&B song. With heavy Auto-Tune. Oof.
Via BestWeekEver
Music: New Vampire Weekend Album Streaming Free
Vampire Weekend's new album, Contra, doesn't come out 'til next Tuesday, but MySpace is already streaming it for free!
Via Pop Candy
Sunday, January 3, 2010
List/Music: Sirius XMU's Top 41 Indie Songs of 2009
Sirius XMU is Sirius/XM's College Indie station. I recently caught part of their countdown of the top 41 indie songs of 2009. Here's the list. Consider it an easy entree into current indie music, if you're interested.
I've linked the YouTube videos for some of my personal faves. Do the rest yourself.
1. "Lisztomania" – Phoenix
2. "Two Weeks" – Grizzly Bear (This would be my #1. Great video, too.)
3. "When I Grow Up" – Fever Ray
4. "My Girls" – Animal Collective (This would be my #3.)
5. "Rake Song" – Decemberists
6. "Stillness is the Move" – Dirty Projectors
7. "Home" – Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
8. "Heads Will Roll" – Yeah Yeah Yeahs
9. "Little Secrets" – Passion Pit (Just recently got into this album, Manners. Great dancey, electric indie pop. That is, if you can get past the falsetto.)
10. "Daniel" – Bat for Lashes
11. "Nothing To Worry About" – Peter Bjorn & John
12. "You’ve Got the Love (The XX Remix)" – Florence and the Machine
13. "Summertime Clothes" – Animal Collective
14. "Black Hearted Love" – PJ Harvey & John Parish
15. "Feel It All Around" – Washed Out
16. "Sacred Trickster" – Sonic Youth
17. "Percussion Gun" – White Rabbits
18. "Actor Out of Work" – St. Vincent
19. "Crying Lightning (Acoustic Live)" – Arctic Monkeys
20. "These Are My Twisted Words" – Radiohead
21. "1901" – Phoenix (This would be my #2. Always liked it more than "Lisztomania".)
22. "Blood Bank" - Bon Iver
23. "Alcoholics Unanimous" – Art Brut
24. "My Night With The Prostitute from Marseille" – Beirut/Realpeople
25. "The Reeling" – Passion Pit
26. "Got Nuffin" – Spoon
27. "Crystalised" – The XX (It seems this is the "it" band right now. They're Brits. Good, chill album.)
28. "Deadbeat Summer" – Neon Indian
29. "No You Girls" - Franz Ferdinand
30. "Island, IS" - Volcano Choir
31. "Young Adult Friction" – Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
32. "Anonanimal" – Andrew Bird
33. "Southern Point" – Grizzly Bear
34. "Walkabout (w/ Noah Lennox)" – Atlas Sound (One of those songs that's oddly recognizable the first time you hear it.)
35. "Lessons Learned" – Matt & Kim (This is the video I posted back in April where they get naked IRL. Remember!?)
36. "Tunnelvision" – Here We Go Magic
37. "Lust For Life" – Girls
38. "Hi-Fi Goon" – Throw Me The Statue
39. "Easy" - Deer Tick
40. "Now We Can See" – The Thermals (Just a classic, feel-good song that's impossible to hate.)
41. "Cousins" – Vampire Weekend (Just a little over a week 'til the new album, Contra, comes out!)
Music: Skillz - "2009 Wrap Up"
Skillz has been flying low on the rap radar for over a decade. He's never really blown up, but claims to be doing just fine as a ghostwriter for other rappers. (Listen to this track - "Ghostwriter" - in which he raps about all the rappers he's ghostwritten for, with their names bleeped out.)
Here, he offers his annual wrap up of everything pop culture, especially in the rap and R&B world. Great stuff.