Any of you suckers remember Dax Flame? You either love him or you hate him.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Video: A Day in the Life of Dax Flame
Video: Bacon is Good For Me
This clip from an episode of Wife Swap is pretty much everywhere right now (even though it's not new), so I guess I should probably post it.
This kid's got more sass than he knows what to do with.
Video: Hilarious Aries Spears Stand-Up and Impressions
I don't think anyone does a better Shaq. What makes it even better is that Shaq's in the audience.
Language NSFW
Video: Glenn Bek Spits Some Knowledge
It's all starting to make sense, isn't it? All the pieces are falling into place.
List: 50 Hot Chicks Smoking Pot
How convenient!
Here's a fun way to start your day. A pic collection of 50 Hot Chicks Smoking Pot. Gives a new meaning to the term "munchies" (terrible, sorry).
Via Gorilla Mask
Friday, August 28, 2009
Music: Lil Boosie ft. Young Jeezy and Webbie - "Better Believe It"
I'm really diggin this jam right now. Great Dirty South groove with a hint of old school West Coast gangsta in the beat.
Video: Tenga Flip Hole - The Future of Masturbation Technology
Move over, masturbation egg. There's a new boss in town.
...and if you're mom busts in, just tell it's an iPod or something.
Probably NSFW
Video/Music: 100 Famous Guitar Riffs
I was able to name 63 before I ripped off my shirt, chugged half a bottle of Jack, did a rail and took two skeezers back to my hotel room. I AM A GOLDEN GOD.
List: The 10 Weirdest Laughs Ever Caught on Camera
"LOL, Shake is always pullin' some shady sh*t!"
Surely inspired by the car horn laugh lady, here's a collection of The 10 Weirdest Laughs Ever Caught on Camera
Via Gorilla Mask
Sports: No Low Blows, Rampage
They never found the ref who tried to warn Rampage about the "no rectal punching" rule.
List/Movies: 5 Badass Movie Characters You Didn't Know Were Real People
No, I have a lazy eye. Thanks for pointing it out to everyone, asshole.
Cracked has another great list - 5 Badass Movie Characters You Didn't Know Were Real People
Via Digg
Video: Talking Raven
Edgar Allen Poe is rolling over in his grave. Because he's still alive! NOOOOOO!!!!
Video/TV: Puppies Dressed as Cats
This was the highlight of Conan last night. Enjoy!
As I was dozing off, this got me to thinking...why isn't there an HD channel with nothing but visually appealing stuff, like puppies, that you could keep on when you have guests over or whatever? Maybe a puppy channel, a kitten channel, a fish tank, etc. GET ON THIS, PEOPLE!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Music: Drake ft. Kanye West, Lil Wayne and Eminem - "Forever"
Bunch of rap all-stars on this track. Good verses, I'm not sure about the beat.
The Internets: People of Walmart
Semper Fi
Feel better about yourself and check out - an ongoing collection of submitted photos of the fine folks you find at your local Walmart.
Via Reddit
Video/Music: Another Them Crooked Vultures In-Studio Teaser
This one features a snippet of the song, "Elephants."
List/Music: 11 Most Embarassing Moments in Hip Hop History
"Officer Rickyyyy"
Check out this list of the 11 Most Embarassing Moments in Hip Hop History
Via Digg
TV: New Seasons of Nitro Circus and Fantasy Factory Premiere Tonight!
I don't know about you, sucker, but I DVRed and watched every episode of the first seasons of Nitro Circus and Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory. Now I'm pumped because the new seasons premiere tonight on MTV!
Fantasy Factory premieres at 9e/8c and Nitro Circus at 10e/9c. Rock. Oh, Chanel, how I've missed you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
List/Sports: 13 of the Fastest MMA Knockouts Ever
Down goes Kimbo
Check out this collection of 13 of the Fastest MMA Knockouts Ever
Via Gorilla Mask
List/The Internets: 9 Epic Screencaps from 4chan's Facebook Raid
Moot, 4chan founder
So over the weekend, the 1337 folks over at 4chan got a hold of leaked Facebook passwords and went nuts on (mainly religious) people's accounts. You've probably seen some of the screencaps pop up here and there over the past couple of days. Good times!
Check out 9 Epic Screencaps from 4chan's Facebook Raid
Via Gorilla Mask
Video: Grandma Attacks Camera Crew with a Hoe
She would have come at the news with a broom but she left it in the garden.
Via BuzzFeed
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Internets: Sh*t My Dad Says
This Twitter account is blowin' up across the internets...
Sh*t My Dad Says
"I'm 28. I live with my 73-year-old dad. He is awesome. I just write down shit that he says."
Video/Sports: 1st Person Home Run Catch
Everything in me wants to call "FAKE!", but I think this is legit. Pretty neato.
Video: The Most Patient Sports Reporter in the World
It's hard to believe this guy's in front a green screen.
Monday, August 24, 2009
List: 6 Bullsh*t Facts about Psychology that Everyone Believes
"Your mom."
Another Cracked list. Check out 6 Bullsh*t Facts about Psychology that Everyone Believes.
Via Digg
Video: Chimp Blown Away by Magic Tricks
Their version of Meet the Press appeals to a much more widespread audience.
Magic is always more enjoyable when there's a bald Japanese man there to hug.
Music: Jay-Z ft. Drake - Off That (Produced by Timbaland) it's pretty much gotta be a winner, right? Unfortunately Drake doesn't get a full verse. Just the chorus and bridge. Weak.
List/The Internets: The Cutest Photobombs on the Internet
Inspired by the recent squirrel-bomber craze, Urlesque has collected The Cutest Photobombs on the Internet
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
List/Sports: The Top 10 Mike Tyson KOs
"I'll fornicate you 'til you love me, homosexual."
Please enjoy this delightful compilation of The Top 10 Mike Tyson KOs.
Via Gorilla Mask
Bonus!!!: Mike Tyson Ridiculous Quotes Compilation (Do I really need to say Language NSFW?)
Update: The following video had over 2.4 million views when I embedded it here. Minutes after I post it, it gets ripped off of YouTube by Don King Productions, Inc. Conclusion = Don King is a Preasher. Only in America!
Video Games: Hands-On Look at DJ Hero
Have you heard about the upcoming game DJ Hero? It's like Rock Band, except you use a turntable instead of instruments and mix songs like a DJ.
Check out this brief review and hands-on look at the gameplay. You know I'll be picking this up when it comes out!
Via Digg
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Video: Moments
This is one of those videos that makes you wanna cry for no particular reason. Very poignant and beautiful. How do you define a moment?
'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'
If you liked that, make sure you check out Last Day Dream.
List/Politix: 10 Loudest and Most Hilarious Barney Frank Outburts
BuzzFeed has a pretty entertaining collection of The 10 Loudest and Most Hilarious Barney Frank Outbursts.
Video/WTF!?: Winkers - Animated Pants
This is so stupid that I considered not posting it at all. You've been warned.
Video/Music: Them Crooked Vultures In-Studio Teaser
A longer snippet of "Nobody Loves Me and Neither Do I" with in-studio footage. RAD!
If you haven't already, check out my first post about the highly-anticipated supergroup Them Crooked Vultures.
Preash: Someone Tried to Break Into My Apartment While I Was Home
It's been a while since I posted a personal anecdote and, believe it or not, there a few devoted Preasher who enjoy them. So here goes my story. Maybe it'll help you out somehow.
I couldn't wait to get home from work yesterday so I could check out the much talked-about McSteamy-Gayheart-Peniche video. After I took Boone out and got back in the apartment, I began my research. If you haven't seen it already, the video is worth a look but nothing too exciting. Naked celebs cavorting in the nude under the influence of some apparently strong drugs.
As my internet research continued beyond said video, I suddenly hear my door open. I didn't lock it after I got back in. Boone starts barking like a mad man. My first thought is that the wind blew it open because that's happened a couple times before when I have the windows open. But it wasn't windy and the windows were closed.
You're letting the cool air out, MFer.
Then I hear think Spanish accent saying something to the effect of, "Maintenance." I immediately freak because, midway through my internet exploration, I am in no state to socialize...or even be seen, for that matter.
After a minute or so making myself presentable I head to the door. The whole time the door is open and the guy is quietly making his presence known.
I am greeted by a thin, dark-skinned, shady-looking Hispanic man in a green collared shirt. He's kinda sweaty. I give him a look like WTF!? and say, "Yeah?"
Not our suspect. Just some other suspect.
I couldn't make out exactly what he said next but it sounded like, "You call about dee beenches?" I say no and he tries to give a friendly shrug. "Oh, sorry." He walks away and I close the door and lock it behind him.
My brain goes into full gear at this point. I'm thinking, What kind of maintenance worker just opens the door without even knocking first? The apartment office closes at 6. They wouldn't send a maintenance worker out after the office is closed. This guy wasn't wearing the typical baseball cap with the apartment complex name and white collared shirt like every other maintenance worker I see around. Some shady sh*t is going down here.
I grab a pen and a piece of junkmail and start writing down bulletpoints of what just happened while it's fresh on my mind.
-Hispanic male
-sweaty, green collared shirt with stripes
-6:45 pm
I decide that no matter what that was, the apartment management needs to know. I call the office and leave a message. Then I got outside to see if I can see the dude again to ask him some questions and see if he actually found the apartment he said he was looking for. He's nowhere to be seen.
I can't get a Preash post I made just yesterday off my mind - 13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You. "#9. I always knock first. If you answer, I’ll ask for directions somewhere or offer to clean your gutters. (Don’t take me up on it.)" Maybe I'm just being paranoid but things are really starting to lean towards one conclusion.
I decide to do what any independent guy in his mid-20s living alone would do in a situation like this: call mommy. I need to bounce this off her and see what she thinks.
My mom is a paranoid woman. She's the lady in the neighborhood who's always looking out through the blinds and keeping track of anything even slightly suspicious. The lady calling in police reports because it's better to be safe than sorry. The lady who got hung up on by a 9-1-1 operator because kids were shooting fireworks too close to the house on New Year's Eve. Plus she's overprotective when it comes to her kids. So I already knew what her advice would be.
"Oh, yeah, that's someone trying to break in to your apartment. That's what that is. Yeah, I would definitely call the police and file a report. Do that right now and call me back... Oh, wait just a second. (pause) Yeah, he knows... Dad says don't call 9-1-1, call the police. Ok? Call me back."
I decide I'll go ahead and file the report real quick and be done with it. I look up the number for police (3-1-1). "I need to report what I think was an attempted break-in." The operator asks if I live in a house. I say apartment. She says, "OK, that's a 9-1-1 call, I'll tranfer you right now." Oh, here we go.
I found it humorous that even for police and 9-1-1, the hold music is still annoyingly soothing symphony ballads. The same music you'd hear if you were put on hold at Dillard's or the bank. They should really consider some more appropraite hold music.
I hear the operators switch me over. It suddenly felt very real. I explain what happened again, this time to the 9-1-1 operator. "Okay, we're sending an officer out right now to check the area and come talk to you."
I call my mom back, as instructed, to give her the update. "Dad says you're paranoid just like your mom." Thanks, dad. That's what I need to hear right now.
An officer shows up after about 30 minutes. He's a young dude, probably in his late 20's. I explain what happened as I nervously roll a chewing gum wrapping between my thumb and forefinger. The officer keeps looking back from my eyes to the wrapper in my hand, as if it's a weapon. Maybe he thought it was a doob. Who knows.
He says there have been reports of guys going around pulling on car door handles to see if any are unlocked, but nothing like this. He recommends I keep the door locked and says he'll file the report. I say, "OK, cool man, thanks." Oops. Probably should have said, "Thank you, sir." Oh well.
The night goes back to normal.
This morning I'm running late for work. I'm brushing my teeth when I hear the doorknob turn. You gotta be kidding me. This time the door is locked. I look out the peephole and see two Mexican cleaning ladies with their backs to the door. They don't knock or anything after that. There's no way I'm answering the door this time. I get ready to head out for work and lock the door behind me. The cleaning ladies are gone but there are trucks with big rolls of carpet.
"¡Te rompes, por favor!"
Suddenly I think I have it figured out. The office made a mistake and told the workers that they needed to completely clean and recarpet a vacant apartment. But they accidentally marked my apartment as the vacant one. Damn, the management at this apartment must be even more inept than I first thought. I later find out otherwise.
The manager of the complex finally returns my call this afternoon at about 2pm. "Sorry I couldn't return your call sooner, it's been crazy around here." Yeah, no sh*t.
I tell her exactly what happened and describe the guy who opened the door. "Yeah, that definitely sounds suspicious," she says. "We only have one Hispanic worker and he's a groundskeeper. He doesn't do maintenance. All our maintenance men wear ballcaps and shirts with 'Atkins Circle' on them. None of them would be working after our office closes at 6. It's good that you already filed a police report. Thanks for telling us. I'm going to talk to all of our staff and see if anyone knows anything but, yeah, that's definitely not right."
So there you have it. This guy was probably just going to a few doors and turning the knob to see if any were unlocked. If he finds one that's unlocked, he pretends to be a maintenance man and (not too loudly) makes his presence known. I guess if no one comes to the door after a while, he just walks on in and sees what's there for the taking. Pretty freaky, huh? And what if I was just a chick living alone?
I probably wouldn't have been as aware and alert if I hadn't just read 13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You, so that's defintitely worth looking at if you haven't already.
Moral of the story: Lock your door, dummy. Especially if you're unwinding from a long day at the office with a pre-shower perusal of the best the 'nets have to offer.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Internets: Instant Anagram
Type someone's name into this simple website to get an anagram of that name.
My name produces 'War Snaringly.'
Via Pop Candy
Chicks/TV: The Mad Hot Women of Mad Men
If you like hot chicks in great TV shows, you'll surely enjoy The Mad Hot Women of Mad Men.
I'm sure you can guess who my girl is. Bam, bam, BLA-DOW!
Via Gorilla Mask
List: 6 Animals That Can Get You High
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Cracked has the best lists. Check out 6 Animal That Can Get You High.
Via Gorilla Mask
List: 13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You
This locksmith made a very ill-advised outfit choice
Reader's Digest interview a bunch of convicted burglars to come up with 13 Things a Burglar Won't Tell You. Useful.
Via Digg
TV: Weiner Talks New Season of Mad Men
"I'm not the one who pissed myself last season."
Check out this informative interview with Mad Men creator and writer Matthew Weiner about the new season.
BTW, the season premiere got record ratings for the series. Thank your Aunt Lisa, who's finally hip to the show.
"I didn't like it at first, but now I'm OBSESSED!
That Don Draper really does it for me. ;) Love and miss you, hon."
Via Pop Candy
Monday, August 17, 2009
List: 11 Awesome Slap Videos That You'll Want to Watch Twice
The folks over at Tosh.0 put together a list of 11 Awesome Slap Videos That You'll Want to Watch Twice
Via Gorilla Mask
Video/List/TV: The 10 Funniest Ralph Wiggum Quotes
Can you think of any they missed? All of my favs made the cut.
Video: Extremely Subtle Texting While Driving PSA
What is this, a DVD-extra from Final Destination 4? All it's missing is a fuel tanker explosion and a really epic, "WHY GOD!? WHYYYYYYYY!?"
Via Reddit
Friday, August 14, 2009
Video: Asian Kid Almost as Excited as I Was About New Vanessa Hudgens Pics
My inner child somehow materialized into a little, Asian fellow.
Video: Raw Video of Helicopter/Plane Crash Over Hudson
NBC will probably pull this off YouTube pretty quickly. Nuts.
Preash Stevie3x for the heads up
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Chicks: Bar Refaeli Behind The Scenes of SI Swimsuit Issue Photoshoot
Here, lemme get that for you, babe.
Airbrushing Bar Refaeli should be a crime. Check out these candid, behind-the-scenes photos from her SI Swimsuit Issue Photoshoot. =D
Video: Stupid Girl Tries to Convert Her Hindu Friend to Christianity
"Hey, it's Molly, and earlier today I had two friends over. Um, one regular one and one Indian one." ...And it gets more ridiculous from there.
Via BuzzFeed
Video/Movies: Cut/Slide Montage
Umm, director yelling cut. Didn't make the final cut. Cut from the scene. Whatever. This is gory and fun. What movie was the last one on the boat from? That was nuts!
Chicks: 44 Sexiest Celebrity Beach Butts 2009
For a cheap free thrill, check out the 44 Sexiest Celebrity Beach Butts 2009 - Probably NSFW
Via Gorilla Mask
Music: The Supergroup's A-Comin' - Them Crooked Vultures
The music world is abuzz about the the new supergroup Them Crooked Vultures. It consists of Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme (the Craig Kilborn-looking dude), Dave Grohl, and Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones. Sounds badass, huh?
Click to enlarge
They did their first show at Chicago's Metro Sunday night, where they played 12 songs. If you do some YouTube searching, you can find a few low-quality camera phone uploads.
Tuesday night they released a snippet of a new track, "Nobody Loves Us and Neither Do I." Although it's only 14 seconds, it'll rock your balls off. I listened to it 4 times back-to-back.
The album should be coming out before the end of the year. If you wanna stay on top of their happenings, you can follow them on Twitter. Here's the official website.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Music: New Brand New Song
Check out the first single, "At the Bottom," from Brand New's upcoming album Daisy set for release September 22nd.
It's slowly growing on me. Whaddya think?
Preash to Levi
Stuff: Sculptures in Motion by Peter Jansen
Sculptures in Motion. This artist, Peter Jansen, captures simple human motion in one sculpture. Think The Matrix frozen.
Via Reddit
Video: Psycho Girlfriend Forgets Boyfriend Went to Europe, Has a Meltdown
So this dude didn't even check his e-mail while he was away for two weeks? That's a pretty big hole in this story. Entertaining, nonetheless.
Via BuzzFeed
Video: The Juggalo Gathering 2009
Insane Clown Posse fans come together to celebrate culture and literature.
Via BuzzFeed
Video: Baby Monkey Rides on Dog
If there's a video of a cute interspecies relationship, you can bet your ass that it'll be posted here.
Via BuzzFeed
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Preash Original: Leno at Ten #2 - The Office Parody Webisode
We created the second set of promos for the Leno at 10 campaign as a parody of The Office. Loosely scripted. We were aiming for enough to comfortably fill a 30-second spot and ended up getting much more. Enough to make the following minute-and-a-half-long webisode that we threw up on the station's website.
As some anonymous jerk pointed out previously, I've "gained a little weight since the last video Presh!" (I was more offended by the fact that this prick mispelled Preash than the clever observation.) So try not to let my protruding belly and manboobs distract you from the brilliant acting.
If you're a devoted Preasher, you'll recognize Work Dave, Mike-and-Ike and my boss Luanne...all with impressive performances of their own.
Concept and cinematography by Stevie3x. Him and I co-wrote, co-directed and co-edited.
***A Preash Original***
Without giving away too much about the 3rd set of promos for the campaign, they're going to be in the same vein but on a larger, more relatable scale. Coming soon!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Music: Ida Maria - "Oh My God"
I'm really feeling this song right now.
Ida Maria first popped up on my radar when Alt Nation started playing "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked" about 4 months ago. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't say I was a superfan. Then they started giving this song some air time and I had to download the entire album, Fortress 'Round My Heart.
I don't think the album is as good as those two songs alone, but it's worth a listen.
Now the song. With a pretty awesome, totally unique video. Funny how great songs by up-and-coming* artists are usually great.
Warning: The way her voice cracks when she really lets it rip may give you a bizoner.
*Up-and-coming in the US. Apparently this song was somewhat popular in the UK several years ago. Silly Americans!
Friday, August 7, 2009
List/Sports: The 50 Most Badass Moments in Sports History
I would have put this one at #1. #27!? C'mon!
You know you're gonna check out this compilation of The 50 Most Badass Moments in Sports History
Via Gorilla Mask
List: The 10 Funniest Videos of Fat People Breaking Things with Their Fatness
Damn, girl, you got a man?
Feel better about yourself by check out The 10 Funniest Videos of People Breaking Things with Their Fatness
"Yeah, somebody have 9-1 dialed!" LOL.
Via Gorillamask
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Video: Terrible Fight Scene
This scene is edited down from the 18-minute original cut. You miss a lot of the most intense scowls and "YAH"s.
Video: Japanese Sex Eggs
Can't wait 'til these make their way to the states!!! Haha, how silly and stupid!
Video: Grandma Farts During Blessing
Tressel and I just watched the first 45 seconds of this four times. Don't you love when you accidentally stumble upon gems like this?
Video: Fred Armisen's Intervention Intervention
Intervention is great. Fred Armisen is awesome. Super combo! Hey, it's Peggy!
The Internets: Poortato
Poortato - it's a real tearjerker.
(Don't worry - there's a happy ending!)
Via BuzzFeed
Preash Original: Leno at 10 Promo #1
Written, shot, directed and edited by Stevie3X. Starring your boy.
My boss, Luanne, won't stop making fun of my "goblin feet".
***A Preash Original***
It looks a lot better in HD here.
Look for Leno at 10 Promo #2 coming soon. That one's even better.
List: 15 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
Like looking at badass stuff? Cracked a funny, informative collection of 15 More Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped.
The first one took me about a minute to figure out.
Via Digg
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Internets: Can I Tap That?
Are you familiar with the whole "Can I tap that?" meme? I'm pretty sure it started on reddit (at least that's where I first saw it).
You simply text "can I tap that?" to someone and post their bewildered reaction.
Now the meme has spawned a site - Check it out.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Video: Dude Tries to Get Car Out of Impound Lot with 8,800 Pennies
It's a pretty long video, but it goes quick. You get caught up in it. Good stuff.
Stuff: How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle Overnight
Check out this really cool article that reveals the simple way you can reset your sleep schedule (to account for jet lag or adjust to working late shifts, for example). Evolutionary science has never been so useful!
Via Reddit
List: The 10 Most Embarassing Moments in White People Dancing History
Get your white guy overbite going for The 10 Most Embarassing Moments in White People Dancing History
Via Gorilla Mask
Monday, August 3, 2009
Video/Music: Bobby McFerrin Uses the Audience as an Instrument
You probably know that Bobby McFerrin made the song "Don't Worry Be Happy". But you may not know that he's a musical genius.
Video: 59-Person Whisper Chain Marriage Proposal
I was always the kid who purposefully changed the whispered phrase to something I thought was funnier. Banana hugs on a bumblebee's earlobe.
Video: B-Boy vs. Bulldog
Work last week damn near killed me, homies. Sorry to neglect yo asses. Now back to our regularly scheduled stupidity. Let's kick it off with a sure-fire winner!