Another brilliant video from CamPain2008.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Video: Worst Parents Ever
This kid asked for and Xbox 360 for Xmas. His parents borrowed a 360 box from their neighbors, fills it with shirts and gives it to the kid. Not cool.
Music: B.o.B feat. Amy Winehouse - "Grip Your Body"
This is a fun song from an up-and-coming Atlanta rapper named B.o.B.
You may know him from this song, "Haters" featuring Rick Ross and Juvenile. Pretty crunk beat. Juvie's verse is supposedly a Lil Wayne diss.
Movies: The Love Guru trailer
The next Mike Myers comedy, The Love Guru. The humor looks very Austin Powers-esque, so it has the potential to be funny.
Also, for you ladies, Justin Timberlake is seen shirtless and wearing a speedo.
Here's some more info about the movie, as well as some hi-qual stills.
Link via
Video/Politix: New viral Obama video is
Here's a new video chock full celebrities endorsing Barack Obama. Neater than a buzzer beater.
TV: A Family Guy spinoff?
"That's nasty."
Family Guy's Cleveland might get his own show.
Link via Pop Candy
Movies: New Iron Man trailer
Here's the new Iron Man trailer park in case you didn't catch it during Lost last night.
Link via Pop Candy
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Link: Greatest Name Ever
This guy's either a former porn star, a desperate mega-douche or a normal guy with a good sense of humor and naïve parents.
Reminds me of when I was living in Austin and all the mayoral candidates had signs lining the streets...Austin's current mayor's name proved to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This guy was preceded by William B. Mayer
Anyway, so I've recently made a grammatical conversion. Since I was a kid, I've always used a comma before listing the final object in a list. For example...
I need to purchase a horse, a banana, and a horse-banana.But within the last couple of months, and for seemingly no reason at all, I've been omitting the final comma. Like this...
My horse-banana is impractical, unreliable and awkward.I've always been taught that either way is correct and it's just a matter of preference.
I'm usually quite good and psycho-analyzing myself (and others, for that matter), so it kind of bothers me that I can't put my finger on exactly why I've made this conversion.
The only reason I can come up with is that it just looks better. But wouldn't I have decided that years and years ago? Someone please break me down and tell me wuz up.
WTF!?: Morgan's voice work commercial
America's Favorite Psycho, Morgan Ash, is featured in a Houston car dealership commercial. Well, her voice is, at least...and in the creepiest of ways.
Check it out here. It evoked a hearty laugh from me.
A proud member of the Chili Champions
Throwback Thursday: You Can't Do That on Television intro
For the love of everything holy, don't say "I don't know"!
Throwback Thursday: Delinquent Habits - "Tres Delinquentes"
Produced by Sen Dog of Cypress Hill...hence the badass beat.
Throwback Thursday: A Different World intro
Throwback Thursday: York Peppermint Pattie commercial
When I bite into a York Peppermint Pattie, my dad hits me. I have a very complex family situation.
Video: Angry Bronco Kid Remix
Remember the angry Broncos fan kid? Someone made this exciting remix.
Language NSFW
Politix: Barack Obama for gays
Barack Obama is now speaking out against homophobia. What an awesome dude.
Video: The Teabag Incident (starring McLovin)
I love the use of the There Will Be Blood music.
Language NSFW
List: 10 Worst Celebrity Video Games
I don't think so, Tim
The 10 Worst Celebrity Video Games
Link via Pop Candy
Movies: Step Brothers trailer
Check out the trailer for Step Brothers - the movie starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly. Looks pretty funny, I guess.
Speaking of Will Ferrell, I've seen a clip from Semi-Pro on a couple of talk shows that is actually pretty funny. Makes me the think that it may actually end up not being that bad. Lemme know how it is if you see it.
Link via Pop Candy
TV: Vintage Tom Green (by request)
Rustin said:
THe lady behind the camera was dead silent during the whole Crank Dat dance."Push it down like this, close your eyes
Those poor old geezer didn't even know what they were doing.
Speaking of geezers, can you find that Tom Green clip where he made them all hump each other in a workout video!? LOL! That was awesome!
February 27, 2008 9:05 PM
Push it down like this, close your eyes"
TV: Jim Cramer exposes the truth...
Here's Mad Money host Jim Cramer throwing out a phat "f*ck you" to credit card companies and their predatory practices...
And here's Mr. Cramer exposing the bullsh*t of government cronies denying the merger of XM/Sirius, while turning a blind eye to the mergers of huge corporations that end up effing us in the ass pocketbook.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Video: Old People Soulja Boy
Watching these old codgers doing the Soulja Boy gave me douche chills. Then again, watching anyone do the Soulja Boy gives me douche chills.
Video: Incredible Tony Soprano impression
This is one of the best impressions you'll ever see. He's even got the deviated septum breathing thing down.
The guy's name is Max Koch (pronounced "Cook").
Language NSFW
And here he is doing a really good Steve-O.
Language NSFW
Video: Failed roof jump
This one zigs when you expect it to zag. I love the camera kid's enthusiasm.
Language NSFW
WTF!?: Best Britney pic ever? unearthed would could be the greatest Britney pic ever.
Check it out...
"Don't I look funny, y'all!?"
In other Britney news, Star Magazine is reporting that she's pregnant again, this time with Adnan's baby. Hooray!
Newsish: Blossom today
Check out this pic of current-day Mayim Bialik, the chick who played Blossom. Yama-hama, it's fright night!
I always had a thing for her homegirl, Six. Am I the only one?
Cooler than you
The Workplace: Work Dave's Preash comic
Work Dave made a comic strip about me. Click here to check it out.
Click the dropdown menu to check out the rest of his comics.
I can't decide what's more obsessively updating Preash or Work Dave making a comic about me obsessively updating Preash.
Movies: Rainn Wilson audition tapes
Here's a bunch of skits Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute from The Office) did for the Film Independent Spirit Awards in which he auditions for a bunch of movies. Pretty funny.
Link via Gorilla Mask
TV: Tim and Eric going on tour
Tim and Eric, of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!, are going on tour. Tight!
Link via Pop Candy
TV: Big Brother guy gets fired
Adam, the Big Brother contestant who referred to the autistic kids he works with as "retards", has been fired...he just doesn't know it yet.
Wasn't last night's episode awesome!? I'm seriously considering buying the live 24/7 online feed. Sad, isn't it?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Video: Pro Skaters vs. Security Guards
Even the rich guys know how to rage against the machine. Mike Vallely and Greg Carroll beat down this dude.
Speaking of Mike Vallely, surely you've seen the classic video from one of the CKY videos of him fighting 4 dudes at the same time. This is the first time I've ever seen this version where they're talking about how it happened.
And here's one more for good measure. God, what a badass.
TV/Video: BB9 - Amanda has a seizure
One of the hot chicks on Big Brother, Amanda, has a seizure then starts convulsing. This is freaky.
Chicks: eBaum's Real Girls #16
eBaum's Real Girls #16
#3 is unbelievably hot.
#12 is quite tasty as well.
#23 is tastier, though.
#29 is straight up creepy.
#30 is nice.
Video: Skydiving without a parachute!
Fact: this guy is actually falling faster than the speed of gravity due to weight of his giant balls.
Newsish: Amy Winehouse's weird scratches
Grammy Award winner Amy Winehouse was rocking mysterious arm scratches. Neato!
The Internets: Garfield Minus Garfield
This clever blogger discovered that when you take Garfield out of the Garfield comic strips, your left with the sad mess of a man known as Jon Arbuckle. Funny stuff, especially the introductory paragraphs!
Link via Gorilla Mask
Sports: The 7 Nastiest Illegal Knockouts of All Time
The 7 Nastiest Illegal Knockouts of All Time
I had never seen Rampage's power bomb KO in #3 before. That was badass!
Link via Gorilla Mask
TV: "The Moment of Truth finally delivers on its promise to ruin marriages"
I have never watched this show...but this is pretty awesome.
"The Moment of Truth Finally Delivers on Its Promise to Ruin Marriages"
Link via Gorilla Mask
The Internets: Jimminy Glick at the Spirit Awards
Am I the only one who thinks Martin Short as Jimminy Glick is hilarious?
Here he is interviewing Maria Bello (*snooze*), Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page.
Click here to see more of his interviews from the red carpet.
Link via Pop Candy
Movies: New Iron Man trailer info
Favorite musical genre: heavy metal
A new Iron Man trailer will premiere during Lost on Thursday.
Link via Pop Candy
Video: Harry Shearer's "Found Objects"
What could be more compelling than celebrities when they're not yet on the air? Nothing. The handful of Chris Berman videos proved that.
Check out these famous news people being themselves.
In real life, Ann Coulter's a psycho, Katie Couric is a sweetheart and Bill O'Reilly's a prententious a-hole. Whoda thunk it!?
Link via
Sports: Rockets are hot, Yao is out
Our beloved Houston Rockets are on a hot streak. They've won 12 games in a row.
And wouldn't you know it, now Yao Ming is out for the rest of the season (including the playoffs) with a broken foot. Bummer.
Take it to the hole
TV: Eric the Midget on Jimmy Kimmel Live
For my fellow obsessive Howard Stern Show fans...please enjoy Eric the Midget's brief cameo on Jimmy Kimmel.
Video: Tire attack at a gas station
Wait for it...waaait for iiiiiit...GADOOSH!!!
I bet he's thankful his life was spared. He should just retire. (Count it! x 2)
Video via Levi
Video/Movies: Hooman interviews the stars of Semi Pro
Hooman gets to interview Will Ferrel, Woody Harrelson, Andre 3000 Benjamin and Will Arnett.
This guy became a YouTube superstar after his interview with Cloverfield director Matt Reeves.
The kids love the crazy editing. The celebs love the publicity. I love you.
Preash: Not-so-liveblog of the Oscars
OK, I realize I'm like 26 hours late posting my comments from the Academy Awards, but I've been busy, OK!? If you don't wanna read 'em, you don't have to.
Oh, and btw, my "big news" is that I got a job with the NBC station in Charlotte, NC. I start four weeks from today.
The reason I couldn't post this weekend is because I was stuck in an airport in either Oklahoma City, Detroit, or Charlotte the whole time.
I have several fun stories about THE LONGEST WEEKEND EVER, which I'll share with you when I have time later this week. (My bagel story already got an incredible reception from Marcy. And I've got a belated DotW!)
OK, back to the Oscars...
7:01 – Guess I’ll start with the red carpet show. Regis is hosting. I hope an aging actress says “f*ck” or the c-word tonight.Here's my original post after seeing both movies back-to-back.
7:09 – Just saw Jason Bateman! Wouldn’t it be awesome if they announced rumored Arrested Development tonight!? I wonder if Ron Howard’s in the house…
7:15 – I can’t be the only one who finds Cameron Diaz to be the epitome of a butterface.
7:22 – I haven’t seen all of the movies, but here are my picks for the big 3: There Will Be Blood for best movie, Daniel Day Lewis for best actor, and Ellen Page is my sleeper pick for best actress.
7:27 – Jesus, that pre-show was LAME.
7:31 – That animated opening looked like a Digital Animation major’s senior project.
7:38 – Diablo Cody (Juno) will win for best screenplay.
7:42 – Wouldn’t it be hilarious if a presenter walked up too quickly and too far, and the pop-outta-the-floor mic shot up a Madame’s $20,000 dress or clobbered an auteur in his pretentious balls!?
7:52 – Steve Carrell just said “sh*t”!
7:56 – Damn, Katherine Heigl is a dead-ringer for Marilyn Monroe tonight. She’s nervous…she desperately need a cig.
8:00 – I need to go on a Teebs run…next montage or live song performance.
8:16 – Not a very flattering dress for J-Hud. Looks like she put some of the pounds back on. (PS – I’m not gay.)
8:19 – Not surprised by Javier Bardem winning Best Supporting Actor. The singular shot from No Country that stuck out for me was when he was getting eerily teary-eyed on the phone while talking about his obligation to kill. It was super-creepy and awesome.
Note: I went on the aforementioned Teebs run and the line was RIDICULOUS. As a result, I’m approximating the times for next couple of posts as I catch up on DVR.
8:38 – If you haven’t seen Gone, Baby, Gone yet, you should. Intense! They way they shot the scene in which the drug dealer first takes Casey Affleck’s character to confront the crackhead couple in their house damn near made me sh*t myself. Keeps you guessing.
8:55 – Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill! I guess Will Ferrell was too busy promoting Semi Pro. Wait…!
9:03 – Edith Piaf – La Vie en Rose - the original = one of the most beautiful-sounding songs ever
9:05 – That French chick won best actress. I’m 0 for 1. Great. At least she’s hot. Note to all: Never say, “I’m speechless,” and then continue speaking.
9:19 – Damn, Renee Zellweger’s shoulders are more ripped than mine will EVER be.
9:35 – Penelope Cruz is looking way too skinny. She used to be such a juicy piece! Now she’s faking curves with a weird feathery dress.
9:57 – I’m getting bored. This is why people never talk excitedly about the Oscars the next day. It starts off pretty quickly-paced (for an award show, at least) and then just gets slower and slower, until you’re just watching the end because you don’t want to feel like you wasted four hours of a Sunday night.
10:19 – Holy sh*t. Someone kill me. Now I remember why I’ve never watched the Oscars all the way through. This is brutal. I’m so glad I don’t have to be at work ‘til 12:30 in the afternoon tomorrow.
10:25 – The writer of Juno won for Best Screenplay. Easy call. Awesome writing, esp. considering that she was sharing her own life story. Diablo has one-hit-wonder written all over her.
10:34 – Daniel Day Lewis just won Best Actor. If he hadn’t, it’d be nothing short of a travesty.
10:46 – BULLSH*T!!! There Will Be Blood is the better movie than No Country for Old Men! Don’t believe the hype. What a monumental f*ckup!
Monday, February 25, 2008
TV/Video: A steamy Big Brother clip I forgot to post
Actually, I didn't forget, I just didn't see this one.
This is after the girls were stripping and stuff. They and a bunch of the dudes jumped in the hot tub, got naked, and started making out.
There's like 4 naked couples making out in the same pool. It's like a Caligulan orgy. Sweet.
Chicks: Drunk chicks in lingerie
eBaum presents a photo gallery of real chicks getting and/or being drunk in lingerie. Can't beat that, huh?
The Internets: Microsoft Virtual Earth on MSN
Holy crap, this puts Google Earth to shame!
Microsoft Virtual Earth on gives you awesome, hi-res pics from multiple angles. It really is amazing.
Just put in an address and then click Bird's Eye and zoom in. Sweet! Some places aren't on there yet, but a whole lot are. Check it out.
Here's my apartment comlex...
And this is the house I lived in my last year of college. I miss those days.
Link via Todd
TV/Video: Chicks stripping and giving lapdances on Big Brother
If you still haven't got into Big Brother this season (despite my constant nagging), you're retarded. Some awesome stuff is going down.
This is some super-raunchy stuff.
Here's a bunch of the chicks stripping and giving lapdances. Gets pretty nasty. AWESOME. Check it out before YouTube takes it down...
And here's Natalie practically naked in the hot tub. What a body on her.
TV: Recap of the Jackass guys taking over MTV
Go here to read about what all happened when the Jackass guys took over MTV for an hour this weekend. I didn't watch it. Zach Galifiankis was on it!
Here's a video recap of the whole thing.
Steve-O was on Howard Stern this morning talking about it. He said Bam Margera and himself snorted coke together during the taping.
He also smoked pot in Howard's studio and when Howard asked him what celebrity he would kill if he could, Steve-O quickly answered, "George W. Bush." I'm pretty sure just saying that is a serious crime. What a madman.
Links via Pop Candy
Video: Jimmy Kimmel's "I'm F*cking Ben Affleck"
Jimmy Kimmel's musical response to Sarah Silverman's "I'm F*cking Matt Damon".
I find this one to be a lot funnier. Cameos out the wazoo.
WTF!?: - Honesty in Adversitising
Check out this ad inviting douchebags to come to Las Vegas and douche it up. Funny stuff.
Movies: Oscars comments preview
Another busy day for me, peeps. Not gonna be able to post a bunch of stuff 'til later. I nerdily logged comments and will post my not-so-liveblog later tonight.
In the meantime, I'll just say that I was pissed that No Country for Old Men was Best Picture. Not that it wasn't good (I gave it 3 preashes), but I felt that There Will Be Blood was much better (4 preashes). I am, however, happy for the Coen Brothers.
Also, huge news to share (for me, at least) later.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Preash: Taking over the Internets!!!
I'm about to throw up with excitement! Or maybe it's the ipecac. Anyway...
OK, so a couple of days ago I introduced you to the genius of
Well my submission made the cut!!! I'm famous!
Note: If you aren't into lolcats, you probably won't get it. And you're probably lame.
Preash: Busy weekend
Probably won't post again 'til Sunday night. I can't tell you why yet, but here's an obscure clue...
(And no, I'm not gonna hanging out with T.I.)
Video: Horse Track Streaker
"Some idiot who was at his bachelor party decides to strip and run along the course as the horses are racing."'.'.'.'.' A 4-Preasher! '.'.'.'.'
Chicks: 6 Gorgeous Ladies of Weather
Check out these videos of 6 really hot weather women. Nice!
#2 is off the hook!
Link via Gorilla Mask
Video: Puppytown Jingle
I think bulldogs are hilarious. They look funny and, from everything I've seen, they have awesome personalities. (One example: Meaty from one of my favorite TV shows, Rob & Big)
One day I hope to be a bulldog owner.
So anyway, I was looking up bulldog videos on YouTube last night (because I'm that cool) and I found this gem. This jingle rivals Appalachian State's classic "HOT HOT HOT".
Prepare to have this diddy stuck in your head all day.
Badass: Turning any monitor into a 3D VR display
Video game nerds, prepare to be wowwed. This is awesome.
Click here to read more about this guy and his invention
Preash to Shane
Preash: Boone's newest trick
Boone added a new trick to his repertoire. I call it the Lay 'n' Stay.
What a talent.
Music: News about Death Cab's new album
Death Cab for Cutie posted a bulletin about their upcoming album on MySpace.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Album Release Date/Song Titles
Death Cab for Cutie has unveiled initial details of their new album. "NARROW STAIRS" will arrive in stores and at all online retailers on May 13th. Produced by the band's own Chris Walla, "NARROW STAIRS" will be preceded by the single, "I Will Possess Your Heart." (See full track listing below). "I hope this album is a bit of a surprise for those out there that think they have us all figured out. We can't wait to share these songs with the world," states Death Cab bassist Nick Harmer.
NARROW STAIRS track listing:
1. Bixby Canyon Bridge
2. I Will Possess Your Heart
3. No Sunlight
4. Cath…
5. Talking Bird
6. You Can Do Better Than Me
7. Grapevine Fires
8. Your New Twin Sized Bed
9. Long Division
10. Pity and Fear
11. The Ice Is Getting Thinner
Video/Politix: Hillary Making Our Dreams Come True
The Clinton camps answers back to's "Yes We Can" music video (which now has over 4 million views!)
Preash to Shane
TV/Newsish: Big Brother Gay Porn Scandal
Apparently James, the supposedly straight dude who is homeless, has solo jackin' pics and a gay porn video out there. Oopsies!
A straight man's pose
Video: Angry Broncos kid
This video will make your day.
This kid responds to negative YouTube comments such as, "Do you have testicles in your mouth?"
Also, he blinks with one eye open and has an AWESOME voice.
"Your ass is gonna get handed to."
Language NSFW
For more from broncofan1990, peep his YouTube channel.
WTF!?: Human Penguins
Guaranteed to be the most bizarre thing you'll all day. It's stuff like this that spawned the acronym WTF.
Oddly NSFW
Newsish: J-lo's babies
Jennifer Lopez delivered twins last night. A boy and a girl.
It'll never look that good again. *tear drop*
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Workplace: Beans with Barbara - It Goes Down Fa Sho
Never have I seen as much unbridled enthusiasm from the most ardent and devoted Preashers. I'm glad you all were so pumped about Beans with Barbara night. It was glorious.
As you will see from the following inspirational video, I, too, was unbelievably excited about this momentous evening.
***A Preash Original***
Now here's the pics.
Click to enlarge
Work Dave was the first to pounce. That's Lucas' back on the right.
As you can see, Work Dave was also ecstatic. If you look closely, you can see the one and only Barbara behind him rocking a lovely red sweater.
There's your boy, diggin' in. I tried to hide my overwhelming enjoyment by donning a cocky smirk, as if I wasn't actually gushing with anticipation.
My tongue cannot be tamed around Barbara's Beans. My lips are now chapped from licking them all day.
Hey, there's Lance West (aka Danger Boy) behind me. Even local celebrities can't deny the siren call of those pods of pleasure. (BTW, he's one of the coolest guys at the station.)
Handfuls of happiness.
A sight to behold...and eat.
So there you have it.
One loyal Preasher assumed it was BYOB based on the plentitude of crock pots pictured in the teaser post. But nay, those were all Barbara's. One doesn't post flyers throughout the station to get everyone pumped a full 4 days before the event without coming prepared. She was crocked and loaded.
I tried to get Barbara to pose next to her beans while she was preparing everything, but she said she was too busy. Oh, that Barbara!
Throwback Thursday: Family Matters intro
OK, OK, I know that you can still catch this show on TV, but this theme song is just too good to pass up.
Throwback Thursday: Masta Ace - "Born to Roll"
I was so thrown off by Beans with Barbara that I almost forgot about Throwback Thursday!
This beat is ferocious!
Chicks: eBaum's latest real girls gallery
Real Girls #15
This is the hottest one so far.
Holy crap, pics #4, #5 & #6 are exciting! I want #20. #21 is just ridiculous!
Video: Kid obsessed with MySpace
Someone needs to throw this kid through a window. Christ.
Language NSFW
"It's ruining our family!" Haha.
The Workplace: The tension builds...
The whole station is abuzz with Barbara's Beans. Supposedly it's going down at approx. 5:30 or 6. Stay tuned...
Video: Rubberlegz
Nice choice on the Saosin song.
"Just imagine the possiblities!" says the gay man before he purses his lips and winks at you.
Video/Chicks: Christina Aguilera's boobs on Ellen
Christina Aguilera goes on Ellen to talk about her new kid and show off her huge milk-engorged breasteses. Ellen's lovin' 'em.
Chicks: Hayden Panettiere for Candies
They just released a bunch of Candies ads featuring Hayden Panettiere.
Before you ask, yes, Hay-Hay and I had a talk before she signed on to do these and she assured me it was gonna be classy.
TV: Jackass to take over MTV
The dudes from Jackass are taking over MTV for 24 hours starting Satuday at noon EST.
Apparently there will be new stuff, including the stunt Johnny Knoxville did in which he almost lost his junk and subsequently had to pee out of a catheter for a few weeks.
Link via Pop Candy
Preash/The Workplace: Busy day/Beans with Barbara teaser
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Internets/Politix: LOLBAMA.COM
Combine the presidential race and the pure genius of the lolcat phenomenon and this is what you get...LOLBAMA.COM. AWESOME!
Click for more
That last one reminds me of the John Edwards: He-Man Woman Hater video from CamPain2008 (the peeps who brought you the Hillary Clinton Farts! video).
Video: Get your Hillary Clin-tones!
Pimp out your cell phone with the phattest Hillary Clinton ringtones this side of the Potomac!
Movies: Funny Games trailer
You may have seen this trailer before, you may not have. It's been out for a while, here and there.
This movie looks awesome. I can't wait to see it. Comes out March 14th.
Video: Woman beaten by Shreveport police?
This is crazy. This woman was being inordinate at a Shreveport, Lousisiana police station. The cop keeps trying to sit her down, but she won't cooperate. He goes and turns the camera off. When it's turned back on, she's laying in pool of blood. She ended up with two black eyes and broken teeth.
My guess is she did it to herself when she was trying to get away from the cop, but still...why did he turn off the camera?
Here's the news story about it.
Video/TV: 1 Price is Right Episode, 4 Falls
I think Daniel may have been shticking it up, but that last fall is pure gold.
Newsish/Music: Gene Simmons sex tape
A Gene Simmons (of KISS) sex tape has just been released. Gross.
As if he couldn't get any creepier, now we know he rocks the shirt-on-while-bonin' look.
Newish: Britney doesn't get visitation
America's sweetheart has been denied visitation rights to her sons. Oh wellz!
Video: Creepy Giant Girl Puppet
Why? Just why?
Gets super-creepy when the little kids start riding her arms.
Video: Super Slo-Mo Cinder Block Karate Chop
They shot this dude karate chopping a cinder block with a super-high-speed camera. It looks like his hand is melting when it actually makes contact with the cinder block. Wild.
Video: Everybody Freeze sequel
OK, so by now you've surely seen the prank by Improv Everywhere in which a bunch of people simultaneously freeze at Grand Central Station.
Well here's another group of peeps doing it in London. (Warning: The camera work seems to be done by the DP who worked on Cloverfield.)